
The Risks And Benefits Of Different Kinds Of Exercise

The benefits of exercise and fitness extend beyond cardiovascular health and weight loss. Exercise can help to improve your muscle tone, bone density, range of motion, pumonary health as well as reproductive health. There are many kinds of exercise such as pilates, yoga, running, golf, tennis, walking and swimming. Different kinds of exercise modalities have different benefits. Running is one of the best kinds of exercise for cardiovascular health but due to the high impact nature it can be very stressful on many joints of thebody especially the feet and knees. Runnes often develop injuries such as knee pain or tendinitis.

Swimming is the opposite in terms of being taxing on the joints but if you swim in a pool then the harsh chemicals such as clorine that a pool has can be very drying for hair, eyes and skin. If you swim in the ocean then you have to be careful about sunburn since the relfection of the rays on the water intensify the rays of the sun. If you don't know how to swim though you need to be under close supervision of a swim teacher otherwise you run the risk of drowning. Swimming in the ocean can be dangerous even for seasoned swimmers due to the risk of rip currents.

Yoga is thought to be one of the most effective exercise routines out there but due to the low amount of anatomy training that most yoga teachers have it if the poses are noe done with proper alignment and body mechanics it can leads to injuries as well, especially of the spine, shoulders and knees since many of the poses are weight bearing which can be very taxing on the joints. Using a pilates reformer, which is a workout machine that controls your movements. Since the movements are controlled and precise there is less risk of injury from this kind of exercise since your range of motion is managed by the reformer machine.

Some of the safest kinds os exercises are pilates classes since most teachers are well versed in anatomy and biomechanics and most of the poses are on a mat which means they are not weight bearing and not as taxing on the joints. Walking is ususally one of the safest kinds of exercises due it's low impact nature. Just make sure to have proper walking shoes on that support your body and physical frame.

