
Agreement reached in Broken Hill golf club dispute

The owner of the Broken Hill golf course will pay the golf club $150,000 - not the $1 million it had been seeking.

The outcome of Thursday's mediation between the Broken Hill Golf and Country Club and the course owner, Dialena Nominees, was revealed to members yesterday.

The club was seeking $1 million from Dialena Nominees for unpaid maintenance since 2008 when the course was bought.

Golf club president Tim O'Neill says it has been agreed that Dialena will take over management of the course from January 31 next year.

He says if it does not, the golf club will receive $10,000 a month in compensation from Dialena's owner, Tony Carrazza.

"The club has come to an arrangement with Mr Carrazza in relation to the ongoing future of the club," Mr O'Neill said.

"We still have a sort of heads of agreement going.

"Until I've seen the final document I'd prefer not to discuss the integral points of it."

Mr O'Neill says members reacted positively to the news.

"We need to now develop a partnership with (Mr Carrazza) and sort of show that his club is our club and move forward to enable Broken Hill to have a grass golf course," he said.

"Mr Carrazza is more than welcome here - he owns the course.

"The past is the past; we need to move on."

Mr Carrazza has been contacted for comment.

