
A Typical Day On The Links

It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining brightly and you've finally taken some time off to play golf with some business associates that have been after you for some time to play a round with them. You're a perfectionist and a competitor. Although you espouse the saying that "a bad day on the course is better than a good day in the office", it doesn't alwayswork out that way. You're a little rusty so you decided to see a pro in order to improve your swing and overall game. You even purchased a new set of clubs, went to the golf range and practiced hitting balls for a couple of hours and it all seemed good. So, you're all set...or so you think.

You have committed everything the pro taught you to memory. Your grip, swing, stance and everything else should result in your being able to hit that little white ball a "country mile". You're the last to tee off although you are a little nervous. "Butterflies" are a good sign...or so you think. You remember to take your time to practice swing your club with the correct tempo. Your stance and grip are copasetic...and now it's time. You address the ball, concentrate and "let 'er rip".

Well, you ended up in the heavy rough bordering the woods but that's ok...at least it didn't go in. and as you're walking to retrieve your ball, your talking to yourself saying " I need to be philosophical about this...it's only a game...don't take it too seriously...don't sweatthe next shot...everyone's probably watching...I should be able to beat Jim but he hit a perfect shot...relax...relax...relax.

"The rough grass is much longer than it appeared from a distance. What club should I use...should I hit with an open or closed fact...should I play for distance or play safe? ...that branch could impede my swing...my hands are awfully sweaty and I'm really feeling anxious now...oh, what the hell, JUST DO IT!"

SWISH...the ball goes about 15 feet into even deeper rough...your wrists hurt from the last shot...there was just too much high grass...you hit the branch...the club was at the wrong angle...that dammed pro doesn't know what he's talking about! Maybe the next shot will be better. You try clearing your mind but just can't shake what just happened. It the group laughing at you? Your breathing is short and fast. Now you're getting very angry...mostly at yourself. It's only a game! It's only a game! And on...and on...and on.

Maybe this is you or maybe, even as an accomplished golfer, you experience some of the same disruptive thoughts and feelings that interfere with your game. The MENTAL SIDE OF GOLF has little to do with the technical aspects of the game or one's ability to play the game. Of course, those aspects are important but not essential in how well or poorly our minds operate enabling the use of those facilities. Even with the latest equipment, technical aspects of the game and our ability being intact, those aren't enough to allow ourselves to enjoy and play our best round. The Mental Side of Golf has to do with how well we can operate under pressure in any endeavor. The calmer, focused, positive and clear-headed we are, the more capably we can play the game in a relaxed, enjoyable and effective manner. After all, it is YOUR MIND.

