
Disc Golf: Equipment and Accessories for Success

Summer is the time of year for cookouts, family gatherings, tailgating parties and many more outdoor events. And, along with these events comes the opportunity for enjoying friendly, and sometimes competitive, games or sports. While a variety of recreational sports are played at these summer activities, one of the most common is disc or Frisbee golf, a game much like traditional golf only using a tossed disc rather than a golf ball and club. That being said, having the appropriate disc golf discs and other disc golf accessories is crucial to effective play.

Required Equipment

As any other game, this golf has certain equipment without which the game cannot be played. Assuming the course is already established with appropriate baskets, signs and tees, the only true required equipment is a good disc, much like a Frisbee. To make play most effective, discs are available in essentially four different styles: the driver, the approach, the putter, and the mid-range.

The Driver

Designed for maximum speed and long-distance flight, the driver is the best tool for a hard-throwing player who is trying to maximize distance every time. A player must be careful with the driver, though, as it is one of the most difficult to aim and control.

The Approach

If a player is approaching, or getting closer to the basket, the approach is the one to choose. It offers slightly less speed with a great deal more stability. Designed to simply float to its destination, the approach does not need to be thrown very hard for extreme accuracy.

The Putter

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Also designed for short-distance throwing, the putter is similar to the approach in its stability and accuracy. The most predictable, the putter flies much slower than both drivers and mid ranges, perfect for use after a missed attempt with an approach.

The Mid-Range

The best beginner Frisbee, the mid-range is designed for speed with increased accuracy. Constructed with sharper edges, this tool is manufactured to fly straighter.

Other Accessories
While the Frisbees are the most important piece of equipment for game play, other accessories are also helpful. Towels or birdie bags are an essential addition to one's game repertoire, as they allow the player the opportunity to remove moisture from his or her hands and Frisbee in one simple swipe. Another item that many players use is a moisture-wicking antiperspirant to remove moisture from the hands instantly. Constantly retrieving Frisbees can become time-consuming and tiring can also be a problematic experience during play. Using a retriever helps with this process of retrieval and provides a more streamlined process of collection, especially if the discs end up in a tree or other unwieldy place.

Whether looking to play competitively or just recreationally, having the appropriate equipment is a must. This is one of those sports that the gear makes all the difference.

