順位 選手名 スコア1 服部 真夕 -3
2 井芹 美保子 0
N・キャンベル 0
イ・ボミ 0
上原 彩子 0
茂木 宏美 0
7 永井 奈都 +1
福田 裕子 +1
キム・ソヒ +1
諸見里 しのぶ +1
<ヤマハレディースオープン葛城 2日目◇31日◇葛城ゴルフ倶楽部(6,587ヤード・パー72)>
順位 選手名 スコア1 宮本 勝昌 -6
2 山下 和宏 -4
3 イ・スンホ -3
P・マークセン -3
岩田 寛 -3
C・プラポール -3
白潟 英純 -3
薗田 峻輔 -3
上平 栄道 -3
10 D・スメイル -2
<フジサンケイクラシック 初日◇30日◇富士桜カントリー倶楽部(7,437ヤード・パー71)>
順位 選手名 スコア1 宮本 勝昌 -6
2 山下 和宏 -4
3 イ・スンホ -3
P・マークセン -3
岩田 寛 -3
C・プラポール -3
白潟 英純 -3
薗田 峻輔 -3
上平 栄道 -3
10 D・スメイル -2
<フジサンケイクラシック 初日◇30日◇富士桜カントリー倶楽部(7,437ヤード・パー71)>
順位 選手名 スコア1 宮本 勝昌 -6
2 山下 和宏 -4
3 イ・スンホ -3
P・マークセン -3
岩田 寛 -3
C・プラポール -3
白潟 英純 -3
薗田 峻輔 -3
上平 栄道 -3
10 D・スメイル -2
<フジサンケイクラシック 初日◇30日◇富士桜カントリー倶楽部(7,437ヤード・パー71)>
「今日は5番のダブルボギー以外は完璧なゴルフでした」と笑顔の宮本。今季は「長嶋茂雄 INVITATIONAL セガサミーカップゴルフトーナメント」で3位タイの成績を収めているが、それ以外では思うような成績を残せていなかった。今週は同じ“チーム芹澤”の先輩、藤田寛之と練習ラウンドを行い、いろんなアドバイスを受けた。
順位 選手名 スコア1 宮本 勝昌 -6
2 山下 和宏 -4
3 イ・スンホ -3
P・マークセン -3
岩田 寛 -3
C・プラポール -3
白潟 英純 -3
薗田 峻輔 -3
上平 栄道 -3
10 D・スメイル -2
<フジサンケイクラシック 初日◇30日◇富士桜カントリー倶楽部(7,437ヤード・パー71)>
Paintball Guns - The Basics
Paintball guns are the primary equipment in paintball games. This is also called paintball marker and they generally use compressed air, carbon dioxide, and CO2 to release paintballs through the barrel. Most of them have 4 main parts that includes the body, air system, hopper and barrel. All these come in a package, you may also buy separate. They are usually known as paintball marker as people often think it as a deadly sport.
Description of the Paintball guns: Most of the paintball guns have a body made of aluminum as this metal significantly lowers the weight of the marker. The body comprises of all the main parts essential for firing, like trigger frame, loaders, valve and bolt.
Trigger frames - are an integral feature of these paintball guns. One can achieve high firing rates depending on the force required to fire from the marker and also the space the trigger moves before the action takes place. Electronic trigger frames are expensive and have different advantages like sensing abilities. It affects the rate of firing and records a very high rate. There are also non-electric guns that use mechanical trigger frame and uses a number of levers and springs.
Valve and bolt - this combination assists to fire the gun or marker. The valve and the bolt control firing and direct airflow allowing the paintballs enter the chamber.Hoppers or loaders: These are responsible to hold paintballs before they are fired from the gun. These are several types – force feed, agitating, gravity speed and stick feed. The first three are quite popular and stick feeds are generally used for pump paintball guns. Gravity feed is cheaper and also simpler form of hopper. Agitating feeds use propeller that spins inside the container and agitate the paintballs. Stick feeds are positioned parallel to the barrel and in order to load the next paintball, the marker has to be tipped.
Propellers: The tank consists of carbon dioxide or compressed gas that dismisses the paintballs through the barrel. Carbon dioxide is mostly used in cheap paintball guns. Whereas, compressed air is stored in tanks under high pressure, so it is suitable for expensive markers.
Barrels: Barrels control the airflow and direct the paintballs out of it. These are generally in three types of configuration – one-piece, two-piece, and three- piece. Barrels are mostly 21 inches long but you can also get custom made barrels of 48 inches as well. These longer barrels are quieter than the shorter ones as they let extra gas pass out slowly. The interior diameter of the barrel is called a bore and it should match the paint otherwise it will give incorrect results.
Trigger mode: There are different types of triggering modes available, some are pump action markers and some fully automatic. Pump paintball guns are like pump action shotguns that need to be manually re-cocked after every shot. This is a slower version among all the paintball guns and often players choose it for effective shots. It can fire in extremely steady rate if adapted properly. Semi-automatic trigger versions are also equally common for different purposes.
Description of the Paintball guns: Most of the paintball guns have a body made of aluminum as this metal significantly lowers the weight of the marker. The body comprises of all the main parts essential for firing, like trigger frame, loaders, valve and bolt.
Trigger frames - are an integral feature of these paintball guns. One can achieve high firing rates depending on the force required to fire from the marker and also the space the trigger moves before the action takes place. Electronic trigger frames are expensive and have different advantages like sensing abilities. It affects the rate of firing and records a very high rate. There are also non-electric guns that use mechanical trigger frame and uses a number of levers and springs.
Valve and bolt - this combination assists to fire the gun or marker. The valve and the bolt control firing and direct airflow allowing the paintballs enter the chamber.Hoppers or loaders: These are responsible to hold paintballs before they are fired from the gun. These are several types – force feed, agitating, gravity speed and stick feed. The first three are quite popular and stick feeds are generally used for pump paintball guns. Gravity feed is cheaper and also simpler form of hopper. Agitating feeds use propeller that spins inside the container and agitate the paintballs. Stick feeds are positioned parallel to the barrel and in order to load the next paintball, the marker has to be tipped.
Propellers: The tank consists of carbon dioxide or compressed gas that dismisses the paintballs through the barrel. Carbon dioxide is mostly used in cheap paintball guns. Whereas, compressed air is stored in tanks under high pressure, so it is suitable for expensive markers.
Barrels: Barrels control the airflow and direct the paintballs out of it. These are generally in three types of configuration – one-piece, two-piece, and three- piece. Barrels are mostly 21 inches long but you can also get custom made barrels of 48 inches as well. These longer barrels are quieter than the shorter ones as they let extra gas pass out slowly. The interior diameter of the barrel is called a bore and it should match the paint otherwise it will give incorrect results.
Trigger mode: There are different types of triggering modes available, some are pump action markers and some fully automatic. Pump paintball guns are like pump action shotguns that need to be manually re-cocked after every shot. This is a slower version among all the paintball guns and often players choose it for effective shots. It can fire in extremely steady rate if adapted properly. Semi-automatic trigger versions are also equally common for different purposes.
The Importance of Training in a Bjj Gi
With the new rise of the UFC, Strike Force and other popular Mixed Martial Arts organizations many people have realized the importance of learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Originally Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was made popular by Royce Gracie defeating all his opponents via submission when it was technically style vs. style. Royce Gracie was also known for always wearing a Bjj Gi when he would compete in Mixed Martial Arts. He did this to emphasize the importance of the Bjj Gi for MMA.
Today, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has become the most important martial art to learn in a MMA fight, and those who do not understand this concept tend not to do so well in MMA. Since MMA fights are fought without any type of traditional martial art uniform many people may believe that to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu you don’t need to train in the BJJ Gi. They are wrong. Jiu-Jitsu is a very technical sport which teaches you with technique and how to defeat the bigger opponent. Training in a Jiu Jitsu Gi is very crucial for any fighter to understand the intricate technique that comes with all the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves.
Training in your Bjj Gi will teach you grip strength which is very important in Jiu Jitsu. It also helps you by giving you more submission options compared to no gi training where the submissions are limited. The wider variety of possible submissions gives you more options to think about when going for the submission on your opponent during a fight. This teaches you much better technique when it comes to any sort of fighting. It will also benefit your Jiu Jitsu game in Mixed Martial Arts by getting you to think outside the box to figure out new and innovative ways to grapple and finish off your opponents with a submission victory. If you look at some of the best UFC fighters out there right now such as BJ Penn, GSP, Frank Mir, Anderson Silva, Gabriel Gonzaga, George Satorapolus, etc. you will quickly realize how all of these fighters training Jiu Jitsu in a BJJ Gi as part of their training schedule. When you ask them why they do so, they will tell you the technique learned from training in the Jiu Jitsu Gi is what makes them do it. Tradition is always a great thing to keep in life.
Today, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has become the most important martial art to learn in a MMA fight, and those who do not understand this concept tend not to do so well in MMA. Since MMA fights are fought without any type of traditional martial art uniform many people may believe that to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu you don’t need to train in the BJJ Gi. They are wrong. Jiu-Jitsu is a very technical sport which teaches you with technique and how to defeat the bigger opponent. Training in a Jiu Jitsu Gi is very crucial for any fighter to understand the intricate technique that comes with all the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu moves.
Training in your Bjj Gi will teach you grip strength which is very important in Jiu Jitsu. It also helps you by giving you more submission options compared to no gi training where the submissions are limited. The wider variety of possible submissions gives you more options to think about when going for the submission on your opponent during a fight. This teaches you much better technique when it comes to any sort of fighting. It will also benefit your Jiu Jitsu game in Mixed Martial Arts by getting you to think outside the box to figure out new and innovative ways to grapple and finish off your opponents with a submission victory. If you look at some of the best UFC fighters out there right now such as BJ Penn, GSP, Frank Mir, Anderson Silva, Gabriel Gonzaga, George Satorapolus, etc. you will quickly realize how all of these fighters training Jiu Jitsu in a BJJ Gi as part of their training schedule. When you ask them why they do so, they will tell you the technique learned from training in the Jiu Jitsu Gi is what makes them do it. Tradition is always a great thing to keep in life.
Golf Mind Skills for Tournament Play
I am an avid golfer, but I'm not actually a very competitive person by nature and so have not got a temperament naturally suited to pushing forwards in tournaments and playing golf with a primary goal of winning. I'm naturally more comfortable being part of a team or being second in line. That's just me and I am sure there are many other golfers who share this temperament. But once you have got the golf "bug" you also begin to want to win! The question then is how to reconcile this new and quite alien desire with your natural instincts.
I'm used to playing in one day competitions for individual play and enjoy those on a regular basis. I love playing in team events such as pro-ams. And so when I signed up for our three round individual stroke play club championship tournament I didn't actually do so with an expectation of winning. In fact, I only signed up because it was going to be three fun days of golf with some fabulous golf buddies. But, and this is a big but, I did want to play my best golf. I didn't want to come in last or have too bad a round amongst these great and consistent golfers.
And so I assessed my situation beforehand:-
1) I didn't know the course as well as the other golfers, but so what? I know it well enough.
2) I hadn't ever played in this type of tournament before, but again, so what? Everyone has to start somewhere, and it's still just a game of golf.
3) This course requires a slick short game and that's not my strongest point. The greens are way faster than I'm familiar with, the bunkers have different sand, the course is drier…and add to that a load of very tall trees lining almost every fairway. But again, I'm pretty adaptable to conditions, so I should be able to work it out.
4) The other golfers are better than me technically but I can pull it together most of the time. Humm. How do you get round that one? Could I pull it together for 54 holes? I decided that all I could do was to think carefully about each shot, choose my shot wisely and commit to it with clear focus.
Nobody can do more than that. You play golf with what you've got. You're not going to suddenly attain great technique overnight, and I've seen too many people "lose their swing" altogether when they embark on a so-called "swing change". I don't ever plan to go to that place of "complete no confidence". Golf is nothing if it is not a game of confidence; I don't plan to lose that bit if my game!
To my surprise I was in the lead after the first round. This I took as clear proof that my greatest strength in golf is my own mind and so I planned to continue to use it to my best advantage. Sticking to my game plan, I managed to find myself still in the lead after the second round. I was really very surprised. I was playing against three and five time winners and girls who play tournaments on a regular basis.
Kathy Craft, my golfing buddy who eventually won by just one stroke, has been a member of this club for nearly thirty years and knows every nuance of the course. She is a fabulous and extremely consistent golfer and truly deserved to win. She has worked on both her smooth technique and her mental game. Well done Kathy; this really has been your year.
I'm sure a lot of people were surprised at how I had managed to get my name anywhere on that leader board amongst that quality of golfing competition. I don't feel in any way that I lost. I very nearly won, and came in ahead of a lot of great golfers.
The moral of the story is that as the professionals say, good golf is 90% in your mind. To best utilize your mind golf hypnosis is an incredibly powerful tool. Golf hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious mind and thus your automatic thought processes. Golf hypnosis is used by amateurs and professional alike.
Golf hypnosis mp3s are a really quick and easy way of making a major impact upon your golf game, as is clearly demonstrated by my own experience in this recent tournament. Anyone can achieve this powerful golf mindset simply by listening to golf hypnosis cds or hypnosis mp3 downloads. That is all I did. I listened to my golf mind mp3s each night prior to the competition and committed to playing my best game possible.
Roseanna Leaton, avid golfer and specialist in golf hypnosis mp3s and author of the golferwithin golf mind training system.
P.S. Discover how to focus your golf mind with hypnosis. Grab a free putting mind mp3 from my website now.
I'm used to playing in one day competitions for individual play and enjoy those on a regular basis. I love playing in team events such as pro-ams. And so when I signed up for our three round individual stroke play club championship tournament I didn't actually do so with an expectation of winning. In fact, I only signed up because it was going to be three fun days of golf with some fabulous golf buddies. But, and this is a big but, I did want to play my best golf. I didn't want to come in last or have too bad a round amongst these great and consistent golfers.
And so I assessed my situation beforehand:-
1) I didn't know the course as well as the other golfers, but so what? I know it well enough.
2) I hadn't ever played in this type of tournament before, but again, so what? Everyone has to start somewhere, and it's still just a game of golf.
3) This course requires a slick short game and that's not my strongest point. The greens are way faster than I'm familiar with, the bunkers have different sand, the course is drier…and add to that a load of very tall trees lining almost every fairway. But again, I'm pretty adaptable to conditions, so I should be able to work it out.
4) The other golfers are better than me technically but I can pull it together most of the time. Humm. How do you get round that one? Could I pull it together for 54 holes? I decided that all I could do was to think carefully about each shot, choose my shot wisely and commit to it with clear focus.
Nobody can do more than that. You play golf with what you've got. You're not going to suddenly attain great technique overnight, and I've seen too many people "lose their swing" altogether when they embark on a so-called "swing change". I don't ever plan to go to that place of "complete no confidence". Golf is nothing if it is not a game of confidence; I don't plan to lose that bit if my game!
To my surprise I was in the lead after the first round. This I took as clear proof that my greatest strength in golf is my own mind and so I planned to continue to use it to my best advantage. Sticking to my game plan, I managed to find myself still in the lead after the second round. I was really very surprised. I was playing against three and five time winners and girls who play tournaments on a regular basis.
Kathy Craft, my golfing buddy who eventually won by just one stroke, has been a member of this club for nearly thirty years and knows every nuance of the course. She is a fabulous and extremely consistent golfer and truly deserved to win. She has worked on both her smooth technique and her mental game. Well done Kathy; this really has been your year.
I'm sure a lot of people were surprised at how I had managed to get my name anywhere on that leader board amongst that quality of golfing competition. I don't feel in any way that I lost. I very nearly won, and came in ahead of a lot of great golfers.
The moral of the story is that as the professionals say, good golf is 90% in your mind. To best utilize your mind golf hypnosis is an incredibly powerful tool. Golf hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious mind and thus your automatic thought processes. Golf hypnosis is used by amateurs and professional alike.
Golf hypnosis mp3s are a really quick and easy way of making a major impact upon your golf game, as is clearly demonstrated by my own experience in this recent tournament. Anyone can achieve this powerful golf mindset simply by listening to golf hypnosis cds or hypnosis mp3 downloads. That is all I did. I listened to my golf mind mp3s each night prior to the competition and committed to playing my best game possible.
Roseanna Leaton, avid golfer and specialist in golf hypnosis mp3s and author of the golferwithin golf mind training system.
P.S. Discover how to focus your golf mind with hypnosis. Grab a free putting mind mp3 from my website now.
Ethan's Seedhouse Tent Review - It's My Pick for A Rugged, Lightweight Little
Trying to find a great value in a strong, comfortable backpacking tent that's quick to set up and yet strong and resilient? The Big Agnes Seedhouse 1 just could be the tent for you.
The Seedhouse 1 can be a roomy tent, even for my 6'2" and 235 pound body. It has an excellent weight-to-price ratio and is easy to set up, yet includes 11 stake-down points for rough weather.
Though a little heaver than it's super-light cousin the SL1, this tent is much more durable and to me is worth the extra weight. Of course, if you are willing to invest a small a lot more and want a super-light model, the SL1 could be your selection.
Features for both tents include: - Super lightweight hub/pole system with plastic clips that quickly and easily attach to the tent body - Durable waterproof-coated polyester rip stop fly ensures minimal stretch and long-life UV protection - Woven nylon mesh walls that provide 360-degree views and excellent ventilation - Includes a clear plastic window in the vestibule door and handy mesh floor pockets for keeping up with the small stuff - Comes complete with tent body, poles, fly, stakes and stuff sacks
This is really a wonderful tent - roomy sufficient even for Massive Agnes. I adore that I can turn over and even turn around and not have to slide in feet first. Also, since I often travel off the beaten path and set up on uneven terrain, a massive feature for me is the ability to conform the tent to odd shaped footprints. The T-shaped pole set-up genuinely aids in both flexibility and comfort, along with the stakes are light and durable.
I'd just add one thing to this wonderful tent. Bring along a clip or some thing to tie back the net door - an attached tie or holding pocket could be an excellent addition. Would you mention that to Agnes next time you run into her on the trail?
The Seedhouse 1 can be a roomy tent, even for my 6'2" and 235 pound body. It has an excellent weight-to-price ratio and is easy to set up, yet includes 11 stake-down points for rough weather.
Though a little heaver than it's super-light cousin the SL1, this tent is much more durable and to me is worth the extra weight. Of course, if you are willing to invest a small a lot more and want a super-light model, the SL1 could be your selection.
Features for both tents include: - Super lightweight hub/pole system with plastic clips that quickly and easily attach to the tent body - Durable waterproof-coated polyester rip stop fly ensures minimal stretch and long-life UV protection - Woven nylon mesh walls that provide 360-degree views and excellent ventilation - Includes a clear plastic window in the vestibule door and handy mesh floor pockets for keeping up with the small stuff - Comes complete with tent body, poles, fly, stakes and stuff sacks
This is really a wonderful tent - roomy sufficient even for Massive Agnes. I adore that I can turn over and even turn around and not have to slide in feet first. Also, since I often travel off the beaten path and set up on uneven terrain, a massive feature for me is the ability to conform the tent to odd shaped footprints. The T-shaped pole set-up genuinely aids in both flexibility and comfort, along with the stakes are light and durable.
I'd just add one thing to this wonderful tent. Bring along a clip or some thing to tie back the net door - an attached tie or holding pocket could be an excellent addition. Would you mention that to Agnes next time you run into her on the trail?
Rugby coaching tips for team captains
Some rugby players have team captain potential from early in their playing days, others grow into these skills. So what sets apart a good captain from a great motivational captain and how can you coach these skills?
Key rugby coaching tips Keep instructions simple
Whatever the captain says, it should be simple and understandable.
When a captain starts to ask for complicated targets, players become demotivated.
The difficulty and the size of the task seem too daunting. To avoid this, on the pitch, the captain should translate targets into small segments of effort. For instance, "Let's up the pressure for the next five minutes boys." Understand players' fears
Understanding fears from a player's point of view is an essential skill for captains.
A motivational captain keeps the players feeling secure. A fear of failure will inhibit players – they need encouragement when they are afraid. The captain will often be the closest person of authority to ensure this happens.
A secondary message, a message passed via another player from the captain, can also boost player confidence should they feel under pressure.
Often a player will fear for his place in the side. A captain will be able to communicate this fear to the rugby coach and together they can work to make the player feel secure for this match.
Of course, should the player be too secure, the reverse motivational talk might be required! Build self-esteem
Once a player feels secure, especially in his role and position in the team, the next level of motivation is to build self-esteem.
A key rugby coaching tip is to make the player understand their self-worth. You are born with self-worth and it grows with your ability. A captain can show a player what they are capable of, remind them of their best moments in previous games or training. Fire up players' imagination
A captain needs to help the players imagine their best. This prepares the mind, and focuses the thoughts.
Every player will improve with the ability to close his eyes and "see" the next process. The captain can encourage this.
"Remember what it was like when... " should be a well-worn phrase as the captain gathers the players at a stoppage.
Create a challenge
A competitive player responds to a challenge. The captain's role is to create this challenge as the rugby game progresses.
"Are you better than that player? Do you want to beat that target?" These might be the words ringing in the ears of the good players as the captain individually addresses each of them. Shoulder responsibility
A good rugby team captain can be motivational to a team, because he is the "team."
When a decision is made, the team captain takes responsibility. Should an error of judgment occur, then the captain shoulders this.
Key rugby coaching tips Keep instructions simple
Whatever the captain says, it should be simple and understandable.
When a captain starts to ask for complicated targets, players become demotivated.
The difficulty and the size of the task seem too daunting. To avoid this, on the pitch, the captain should translate targets into small segments of effort. For instance, "Let's up the pressure for the next five minutes boys." Understand players' fears
Understanding fears from a player's point of view is an essential skill for captains.
A motivational captain keeps the players feeling secure. A fear of failure will inhibit players – they need encouragement when they are afraid. The captain will often be the closest person of authority to ensure this happens.
A secondary message, a message passed via another player from the captain, can also boost player confidence should they feel under pressure.
Often a player will fear for his place in the side. A captain will be able to communicate this fear to the rugby coach and together they can work to make the player feel secure for this match.
Of course, should the player be too secure, the reverse motivational talk might be required! Build self-esteem
Once a player feels secure, especially in his role and position in the team, the next level of motivation is to build self-esteem.
A key rugby coaching tip is to make the player understand their self-worth. You are born with self-worth and it grows with your ability. A captain can show a player what they are capable of, remind them of their best moments in previous games or training. Fire up players' imagination
A captain needs to help the players imagine their best. This prepares the mind, and focuses the thoughts.
Every player will improve with the ability to close his eyes and "see" the next process. The captain can encourage this.
"Remember what it was like when... " should be a well-worn phrase as the captain gathers the players at a stoppage.
Create a challenge
A competitive player responds to a challenge. The captain's role is to create this challenge as the rugby game progresses.
"Are you better than that player? Do you want to beat that target?" These might be the words ringing in the ears of the good players as the captain individually addresses each of them. Shoulder responsibility
A good rugby team captain can be motivational to a team, because he is the "team."
When a decision is made, the team captain takes responsibility. Should an error of judgment occur, then the captain shoulders this.
How To Find Your Individual Air Hockey Table
This review on air hockey table is focused on many aspects, which you should consider before buying a table. The general rule is that you shouldn´t go about purchasing something that is out of your budget. Get something that suits your budget and is very affordable. Consider who will be playing the game, and what size is best for your purpose. Get a used type if possible. Used modules are usually great, and just because somebody played on the air hockey table before doesn´t mean that it´s broken or unplayable, because it´s rather the opposite. Here you can save money, and get some quality type at a low rate.
So how much does an used professional air hockey table cost? You can probably find something in the area of 100 -200 $. On the other hand, a brand new and top table will cost at least 500$, maybe up to $ 1000. Now comes the difference. A cheap new module, which is made of inexpensive material can just cost around 200-300$. But the problem with these types of tables is that the playing surface and also stability will be poor. There is a reason why something is more expensive and why a various type is too cheap. Obviously, you can find your individual table by going for quality over quantity.
I highly recommend not getting into financial troubles when buying a professional air hockey table. Just because quality over quantity is the key, doesn´t mean that you´ve to get into worries. Use common sense and compare prices in online shops which have a decent selection. The internet is a fabulous place to find brands such as Gamecraft and more. In all honesty, these tables are pretty awesome, and you can get them at a cheaper rate, however, make sure to also include and consider the shipping costs which can be quite expensive. Local specialty stores should provide and offer both new and used. It´s likely to find used online too, but it´s tough to control the quality of the table and current condition.
Here you´ve plenty of good information to buy an individual air hockey table. There are many different types that start from somewhere around 100 and can go up into the multiple thousands, but do you really need a hyper expensive table? Probably not - UNLESS you consider becoming a pro, and participate on some great tournaments or championships. Air hockey is played mostly by Americans and Europeans.
So how much does an used professional air hockey table cost? You can probably find something in the area of 100 -200 $. On the other hand, a brand new and top table will cost at least 500$, maybe up to $ 1000. Now comes the difference. A cheap new module, which is made of inexpensive material can just cost around 200-300$. But the problem with these types of tables is that the playing surface and also stability will be poor. There is a reason why something is more expensive and why a various type is too cheap. Obviously, you can find your individual table by going for quality over quantity.
I highly recommend not getting into financial troubles when buying a professional air hockey table. Just because quality over quantity is the key, doesn´t mean that you´ve to get into worries. Use common sense and compare prices in online shops which have a decent selection. The internet is a fabulous place to find brands such as Gamecraft and more. In all honesty, these tables are pretty awesome, and you can get them at a cheaper rate, however, make sure to also include and consider the shipping costs which can be quite expensive. Local specialty stores should provide and offer both new and used. It´s likely to find used online too, but it´s tough to control the quality of the table and current condition.
Here you´ve plenty of good information to buy an individual air hockey table. There are many different types that start from somewhere around 100 and can go up into the multiple thousands, but do you really need a hyper expensive table? Probably not - UNLESS you consider becoming a pro, and participate on some great tournaments or championships. Air hockey is played mostly by Americans and Europeans.
I Want to Play College Football - Recruiter Services
"One saying that is always in the back of my mind - that I always think about is - 'don't give up what you want most for what you want now'. And I know, for me, I want to play college football - I knew that college was something that I wanted to do, I wanted to get a college degree. And if there was a way that I could get it paid for through football, if it was able to help me get a scholarship to pay for it, then that would be a huge blessing, and a big plus - not only for myself, but also for my family it would help out financially. It definitely meant a lot of sacrifices, but I wanted to play college football.
If what you want most is to play college football, or maybe even at the professional level, don't give it up for temporary things right now. Which might mean going and hanging out with friends all the time - not that it's bad to hang out with friends, but you shouldn't do it excessively. You should be going to the weight-room or taking care of your school work, doing those things that will help you to get to the next level, making those sacrifices. If you do those things, then you'll be able to accomplish your goals, so always keep in mind what you want most, and I think that's what has helped me even until now - I always try to set goals, and sometimes there will be temporary things that seem fun that I want to do at the moment, but if it's not helping me work towards my goal of finishing school or becoming a coach, (maybe for you it's becoming an athlete at the college level), then just think twice about the decisions that you make." -Inoke Funaki (Quarterback for the University of Hawaii)
"College football recruiting services can help you get recruited, but one piece of advice I would give any high school athlete going into college, education wise, is to go into a degree that will be good for you - something that you like, something that you enjoy, but also something that you could see yourself doing in the future. A lot of college athletes go into school thinking 'Oh, I'm just going to play football' and they don't have a backup plan. So when their football career is done they're stuck with nothing. They don't have a degree, they haven't finished, or they're going into something that they can't do anything with. So my advice would be - coming out of high school, going into college - make sure your degree is applicable, and is something that you want to do, and make sure it's a good backup plan for you. Talk to a college football recruiting service, so that if you finish with football at the end of your career you know that it's something that will work out for you and be good for your future.
If there's one thing that I would have done differently in high school while being recruited it's: I wouldn't have given a verbal commitment so early, because when you do that some teams tend to back off. Some schools tend to pull out - if they're giving you and offer, they won't anymore, and they'll look at someone else instead. So that's one thing that I would have done differently: not commit so early. College football recruiting services can help with that process" -Jayson Rego (Running back for the University of Hawaii)
"I want to talk to you a little bit about what to expect on an official or unofficial visit with college football recruiters or coaches. More specifically - I know it sounds silly, but - what to wear. You want to be able to make a good first impression on the coach - you don't want to look sloppy or look bad. So what I recommend is wearing a nice shirt (maybe a polo shirt) and khaki pants - something comfortable, but also something you'll look nice in. Because you want to be confident when you're talking to college football recruiters or coaches, and if you look confident you'll feel confident and then you'll come off as confident. First impressions is a big part of making connections with people, especially if you're talking to someone like a coach who you want to make a good impression on.
So, I know if sounds silly, but dressing nice on a visit where you're talking to a coach is definitely very important. It's a little bit flexible, depending on where you go. For instance - I went to Hawaii, and because of the culture and the climate I wore khaki shorts and a polo shirt with slippers, which was perfectly acceptable, but I still looked presentable. That's one thing you want to keep in mind when you're talking to college football recruiters or coaches and making your visits to different colleges." -Joshua Rice (former football player for the University of Hawaii)
If what you want most is to play college football, or maybe even at the professional level, don't give it up for temporary things right now. Which might mean going and hanging out with friends all the time - not that it's bad to hang out with friends, but you shouldn't do it excessively. You should be going to the weight-room or taking care of your school work, doing those things that will help you to get to the next level, making those sacrifices. If you do those things, then you'll be able to accomplish your goals, so always keep in mind what you want most, and I think that's what has helped me even until now - I always try to set goals, and sometimes there will be temporary things that seem fun that I want to do at the moment, but if it's not helping me work towards my goal of finishing school or becoming a coach, (maybe for you it's becoming an athlete at the college level), then just think twice about the decisions that you make." -Inoke Funaki (Quarterback for the University of Hawaii)
"College football recruiting services can help you get recruited, but one piece of advice I would give any high school athlete going into college, education wise, is to go into a degree that will be good for you - something that you like, something that you enjoy, but also something that you could see yourself doing in the future. A lot of college athletes go into school thinking 'Oh, I'm just going to play football' and they don't have a backup plan. So when their football career is done they're stuck with nothing. They don't have a degree, they haven't finished, or they're going into something that they can't do anything with. So my advice would be - coming out of high school, going into college - make sure your degree is applicable, and is something that you want to do, and make sure it's a good backup plan for you. Talk to a college football recruiting service, so that if you finish with football at the end of your career you know that it's something that will work out for you and be good for your future.
If there's one thing that I would have done differently in high school while being recruited it's: I wouldn't have given a verbal commitment so early, because when you do that some teams tend to back off. Some schools tend to pull out - if they're giving you and offer, they won't anymore, and they'll look at someone else instead. So that's one thing that I would have done differently: not commit so early. College football recruiting services can help with that process" -Jayson Rego (Running back for the University of Hawaii)
"I want to talk to you a little bit about what to expect on an official or unofficial visit with college football recruiters or coaches. More specifically - I know it sounds silly, but - what to wear. You want to be able to make a good first impression on the coach - you don't want to look sloppy or look bad. So what I recommend is wearing a nice shirt (maybe a polo shirt) and khaki pants - something comfortable, but also something you'll look nice in. Because you want to be confident when you're talking to college football recruiters or coaches, and if you look confident you'll feel confident and then you'll come off as confident. First impressions is a big part of making connections with people, especially if you're talking to someone like a coach who you want to make a good impression on.
So, I know if sounds silly, but dressing nice on a visit where you're talking to a coach is definitely very important. It's a little bit flexible, depending on where you go. For instance - I went to Hawaii, and because of the culture and the climate I wore khaki shorts and a polo shirt with slippers, which was perfectly acceptable, but I still looked presentable. That's one thing you want to keep in mind when you're talking to college football recruiters or coaches and making your visits to different colleges." -Joshua Rice (former football player for the University of Hawaii)
Wakeboard Guides for Starters
If you're a starter in wakeboarding, you should know some useful guides in order to get started and possess the best wakeboarding encounter. Before you go forth and put your gear on, it is imperative that you keep in mind that wakeboard is an intense sport and the injury risk is highmainly if you are not prepared and if you don’t know the basic elements that must be considered when wakeboarding. Below are a few tricks for a safe and exciting wakeboard experience.
• Lifejacket is necessary - This is the prime safety rule. For beginners, it is highly recommended to wear your personal flotation device like a lifejacket at all times. Since wakeboarding involves riding the wake at top speeds, it is advisable to use lifejackets to prevent incidents of drowning. Even though it is expected for one to know how to swim but accidents will still be accidents and it can happen anytime. So it is better to be well prepared and be safe than never.
• Utilize a spotter - This is one more basic wakeboarding safety recommendation. You will need to have a designated spotter in order for the driver to monitor your position all the time. This ensures that you are off of approaching boats and other objects in the water.
• Place your best foot forward - Merely because stability is significant when wakeboarding, it is essential that you place your very best foot forward. This is the foot that you naturally use to regain your balance. By utilizing your best foot, you'll be able to operate on the waters.
• Start with a beginner wakeboard stance - When just beginning, the basic stance can drastically allow you to effortlessly control and navigate. This stance is where you put the back binding far back onto the end of the board and line it up at zero degrees. This lets the rider’s weight to press directly into the rear fin. The front binding must be set at about 15-27 degree angle, slightly lined towards the wakeboard’s front.
• Shorter rope is encouraged - Because you are novices, shorter rope will make it easier for you to get up and out the water. The right rope length for starters is about 30 to 50 feet.
• Keep close to the board - Beginners must keep a close proximity to the board to establish balance. This is done by keeping the knees tucked in and crouched down and slowly stand up until you are completely out of the waters.
• Accurate weight distribution - Steadiness is significant when wakeboarding. And so, to effortlessly get up and out of the water, you must be able to find out how to properly distribute your weight. It is advocated to put most of your weight on your front foot. However, when in standing position, make sure to shift the weight back.
• Continue to keep the tow handle low - By keeping the tow handle low, newcomers will find it easy to stay up. The rope must be parallel to the water for better handling.
• Ideal boat speed matters - Less boat speed is better in wakeboarding. Make sure to tell your driver about it. The maximum speed must be around 14-19mph.
• Practice makes perfect - As beginners, don’t rush too much in learning everything is a short period of time. Wait and see. Begin with the basics and as your skill progresses, acquire more advance stunts and moves.
• Lifejacket is necessary - This is the prime safety rule. For beginners, it is highly recommended to wear your personal flotation device like a lifejacket at all times. Since wakeboarding involves riding the wake at top speeds, it is advisable to use lifejackets to prevent incidents of drowning. Even though it is expected for one to know how to swim but accidents will still be accidents and it can happen anytime. So it is better to be well prepared and be safe than never.
• Utilize a spotter - This is one more basic wakeboarding safety recommendation. You will need to have a designated spotter in order for the driver to monitor your position all the time. This ensures that you are off of approaching boats and other objects in the water.
• Place your best foot forward - Merely because stability is significant when wakeboarding, it is essential that you place your very best foot forward. This is the foot that you naturally use to regain your balance. By utilizing your best foot, you'll be able to operate on the waters.
• Start with a beginner wakeboard stance - When just beginning, the basic stance can drastically allow you to effortlessly control and navigate. This stance is where you put the back binding far back onto the end of the board and line it up at zero degrees. This lets the rider’s weight to press directly into the rear fin. The front binding must be set at about 15-27 degree angle, slightly lined towards the wakeboard’s front.
• Shorter rope is encouraged - Because you are novices, shorter rope will make it easier for you to get up and out the water. The right rope length for starters is about 30 to 50 feet.
• Keep close to the board - Beginners must keep a close proximity to the board to establish balance. This is done by keeping the knees tucked in and crouched down and slowly stand up until you are completely out of the waters.
• Accurate weight distribution - Steadiness is significant when wakeboarding. And so, to effortlessly get up and out of the water, you must be able to find out how to properly distribute your weight. It is advocated to put most of your weight on your front foot. However, when in standing position, make sure to shift the weight back.
• Continue to keep the tow handle low - By keeping the tow handle low, newcomers will find it easy to stay up. The rope must be parallel to the water for better handling.
• Ideal boat speed matters - Less boat speed is better in wakeboarding. Make sure to tell your driver about it. The maximum speed must be around 14-19mph.
• Practice makes perfect - As beginners, don’t rush too much in learning everything is a short period of time. Wait and see. Begin with the basics and as your skill progresses, acquire more advance stunts and moves.
The Right Method of Running
Jogging can transform your life in a simple way. Jogging is the great existing movements all over the world, and is absolutely regarded as the easiest actions. Such as, in a Russia' workhouse, the number of absent quantity decreases from 436 days to 42days owing to running. Moreover, some researches explain that everyone gets benefits from sports. Several specialists think that those people who have a heavy weight could reform their physical state in only 3 weeks.
Certainly some other sports also can improve the endurance, for example riding bicycle, playing in the water and rowing a boat and something like that. However running can be done everywhere at every time, and do not spend any expenditure nearly. You don't need a bike, a swimming pool, a boat or a place. Jogging could be achieved without runway. I am able to jog in the alley, and wonder in the field. No matter in the dawn or in the middle of night, you can jog if only you enjoy it. I run in any seasons. A famous runner told me that when you feel good, you have the most precise thing in jogging. When waking in every morning, I will sing to my self and be ready to go to jobs.
Jogging has much physiological value for many doctors. They use running to study medicine, because they believe that having a good health is better than curing a disease. A heart attack expert thought jogging is a representative of wonderful activity. Running is an action which can be controlled by one combining the hams' and calf's muscle. This sort of movement is very safe and useful. According to this reason, there is a fact that sport is better than drug. Thus, jogging is a kind of medicine lesson. The best thing is, this subject also can show spontaneous spirit, originality and judgment ability.
Running is a kind of whole body movement. It is able to make muscle contraction and relaxation, and it would improve muscle fiber and the quantity of protein. Good muscles are one of the symbols of strong and handsome. The skeleton is body's support and also the levers of human activity. In growth and development of young people must be adhere to jogging. As a result, people could get enough nutrition and the benefit of bone cells. When people getting old, their metabolism is abate and the muscle gradually atrophic. So counting to running can strengthen metabolism and delay the change of skeleton.
Jogging is a good way to practice one's perseverance and ability, and strengthen toughness and tenacity. In long-standing movements, one can get three benefits, that is, moving fast, deep quantity and strong mind. Jogging is a good method to eliminate fatigue in a short time.
Jogging is a simple sport. It has a mysterious to make you feel strong and great. One's attention can be transferred by jogging. In this way Jogging can release the pressure and nervous. In the durance of Jogging, you will become decisive and critical. As helping as your body, jogging is also helpful for our brain. Seeking for a good health, we'd better enjoy sports.
Certainly some other sports also can improve the endurance, for example riding bicycle, playing in the water and rowing a boat and something like that. However running can be done everywhere at every time, and do not spend any expenditure nearly. You don't need a bike, a swimming pool, a boat or a place. Jogging could be achieved without runway. I am able to jog in the alley, and wonder in the field. No matter in the dawn or in the middle of night, you can jog if only you enjoy it. I run in any seasons. A famous runner told me that when you feel good, you have the most precise thing in jogging. When waking in every morning, I will sing to my self and be ready to go to jobs.
Jogging has much physiological value for many doctors. They use running to study medicine, because they believe that having a good health is better than curing a disease. A heart attack expert thought jogging is a representative of wonderful activity. Running is an action which can be controlled by one combining the hams' and calf's muscle. This sort of movement is very safe and useful. According to this reason, there is a fact that sport is better than drug. Thus, jogging is a kind of medicine lesson. The best thing is, this subject also can show spontaneous spirit, originality and judgment ability.
Running is a kind of whole body movement. It is able to make muscle contraction and relaxation, and it would improve muscle fiber and the quantity of protein. Good muscles are one of the symbols of strong and handsome. The skeleton is body's support and also the levers of human activity. In growth and development of young people must be adhere to jogging. As a result, people could get enough nutrition and the benefit of bone cells. When people getting old, their metabolism is abate and the muscle gradually atrophic. So counting to running can strengthen metabolism and delay the change of skeleton.
Jogging is a good way to practice one's perseverance and ability, and strengthen toughness and tenacity. In long-standing movements, one can get three benefits, that is, moving fast, deep quantity and strong mind. Jogging is a good method to eliminate fatigue in a short time.
Jogging is a simple sport. It has a mysterious to make you feel strong and great. One's attention can be transferred by jogging. In this way Jogging can release the pressure and nervous. In the durance of Jogging, you will become decisive and critical. As helping as your body, jogging is also helpful for our brain. Seeking for a good health, we'd better enjoy sports.
Why Hitman Fight Gear is The Best?
There are hundreds of fans and followers of mixed martial arts, yes the MMA, all over the world. We all know how every person is different and unique. Various fighters of the MMA circuit have different tastes and preferences when it comes to things to wear. But many of these fighters agree that Hitman fight gear is the kind of apparel which not only looks good but also feels good and stands up well against other branded merchandise. There are plenty of Hitman gears and products to rave about and many good reasons to choose these products.
Men's clothing includes shirts having both the short and long sleeves, fight shorts, slim fit t-shirts, jackets, jerseys and hoodies. So you can see that Hitman fight gear is more of a complete line of casual and fight clothes. Their AB or the Assault and Battery Jacket, for example, is a warm and comfortable jacket, along with finer details like an embroidered logo and the company name on front and back and an insulated interior lining which keeps the wind off your back.
The long sleeve shirts of this company include All Star Rash guard with the company's logo in bold white letters across the front and as well as an Easy Rider Flannel with a knit satin inside liner and a stitched Hitman Fight Gear logo near the left chest pocket. People looking for a tough hoodie to wear into the ring can choose any of the company's four styles offering which includes the Biker Zip up Hoodie which has stylish details on the front, back, and on each arm.
Hitman fight gear is a brand which wants to outfit both the fighters and the fans from head to toe, so they're not sitting around resting on their good fortune. They are planning to offer some impressive headgear and accessories to complete a great look for the next big event. From skull caps and hats to socks, wallets, funky patches, stylish bandannas and bags, you can expect an expanded line of apparel from them in the future.
But one of the main aims of the company is to create products which cater to their core business and most important customers, the MMA fighter looking for Hitman fight gear. These guys know that without MMA fighters buying their products, they will be nowhere. That's why they have started an exclusive Death or Glory line of shirts, especially for martial arts fans and the reason why their All Star Team Tee comes in twelve different colors. That's also why they recruited Brian Bowles to design a Signature Tee and why their All Star Fight Shorts are considered the best fight shorts in mixed martial arts as these also have internal well pockets and four-way stretch fabric to provide ultimate comfort.
Don’t you think that Hitman clothing offers the best selection and value in their industry and that they are a quality source for branded MMA apparel which suits both your style and expectations?
Men's clothing includes shirts having both the short and long sleeves, fight shorts, slim fit t-shirts, jackets, jerseys and hoodies. So you can see that Hitman fight gear is more of a complete line of casual and fight clothes. Their AB or the Assault and Battery Jacket, for example, is a warm and comfortable jacket, along with finer details like an embroidered logo and the company name on front and back and an insulated interior lining which keeps the wind off your back.
The long sleeve shirts of this company include All Star Rash guard with the company's logo in bold white letters across the front and as well as an Easy Rider Flannel with a knit satin inside liner and a stitched Hitman Fight Gear logo near the left chest pocket. People looking for a tough hoodie to wear into the ring can choose any of the company's four styles offering which includes the Biker Zip up Hoodie which has stylish details on the front, back, and on each arm.
Hitman fight gear is a brand which wants to outfit both the fighters and the fans from head to toe, so they're not sitting around resting on their good fortune. They are planning to offer some impressive headgear and accessories to complete a great look for the next big event. From skull caps and hats to socks, wallets, funky patches, stylish bandannas and bags, you can expect an expanded line of apparel from them in the future.
But one of the main aims of the company is to create products which cater to their core business and most important customers, the MMA fighter looking for Hitman fight gear. These guys know that without MMA fighters buying their products, they will be nowhere. That's why they have started an exclusive Death or Glory line of shirts, especially for martial arts fans and the reason why their All Star Team Tee comes in twelve different colors. That's also why they recruited Brian Bowles to design a Signature Tee and why their All Star Fight Shorts are considered the best fight shorts in mixed martial arts as these also have internal well pockets and four-way stretch fabric to provide ultimate comfort.
Don’t you think that Hitman clothing offers the best selection and value in their industry and that they are a quality source for branded MMA apparel which suits both your style and expectations?
Using Action Cameras for Motorsports
Modern motorsports provide some of the most thrilling and competitive action in the sports world, be it on two wheels or four. Whether you’re a pro at the wheel or behind the bars, or simply a part-time hobbyist, recording the action with an HD action camera is the ideal way to relive the excitement time and time again.
Modern motorsports provide some of the most thrilling and competitive action in the sports world, be it on two wheels or four. Whether you’re a pro at the wheel or behind the bars, or simply a part-time hobbyist, recording the action with an HD action camera is the ideal way to relive the excitement time and time again.
When selecting a camera package, it is important to first consider the type of motorsport you will be using it for, as certain cameras and camera mounts will tend to suit different disciplines better than others. It may also be that a certain style of camera mount lends itself to a particular style of riding or driving, or that you wish to capture footage from a particular perspective.
For those who get their kicks on two wheels, much of the camera buying decision will come down to the type of head wear being worn. Dirt riders - such as Moto-X, FMX or speedway - who typically wear goggles with an open full-face helmet may wish to secure their camera using a goggle strap mount. This mounting method is best suited to smaller, more streamlined, bullet-style cameras, such as the Drift HD.
However, road riders will typically wear a wear a full face helmet with a built in visor, in which case a curved adhesive mount may be the most appropriate mounting option. The GoPro Front Mount is also another popular camera mount, which attaches to the front of a helmet like a headlamp and can be turned back to face the rider for self-portrait videos and photos.
For those who prefer to drive on four wheels, be it on tarmac or dirt, there are also a number of camera mounting options available. Much like above, the perspective of footage captured will be determined by the style and position of the camera mount being used.
While many drivers opt for a helmet mount in order to gain point-of-view footage, some prefer to mount the camera on the dashboard of the vehicle. Doing so can offer a smooth racing view if facing out of the windscreen, or capture a driver’s reaction or commentary if turned backwards. There’s also the option of securing the camera to the wind screen using a suction mount, if preferred.
As you can see, there are plenty of camera mounting options for any motorsport enthusiast, and there are a number of camera models available that are more than suitable for the job.
Much of the Drift HD's appeal comes in the form of it’s built in screen and optional remote control, which make the camera perfect for recording on a bike or in a car. There are also a host of additional motorsport appropriate mounts available for the Drift HD, including the Drift suction, the Drift Handle Bar Mount, as well as clamps and roll bar mounts.
But arguably the best all-round package is the GoPro HD Hero2 Motorsports Edition. This motorsport-specific package includes the newest edition to the GoPro action camera family - the GoPro HD2 - as well as assorted kit mountable and wearable mounting hardware to suit every type of rider or driver. As well as adaptability, the GoPro HD2 packs full 1080p HD recording, a 170° wide-angle lens and 5 megapixel still image capture - it’s also waterproof, meaning rain will never stop play.
So whether you’re a professional with a big race looming, or a wannabe Stig on your first track day, an HD action camera can make it possible to capture and share the experience whenever you please.
Modern motorsports provide some of the most thrilling and competitive action in the sports world, be it on two wheels or four. Whether you’re a pro at the wheel or behind the bars, or simply a part-time hobbyist, recording the action with an HD action camera is the ideal way to relive the excitement time and time again.
When selecting a camera package, it is important to first consider the type of motorsport you will be using it for, as certain cameras and camera mounts will tend to suit different disciplines better than others. It may also be that a certain style of camera mount lends itself to a particular style of riding or driving, or that you wish to capture footage from a particular perspective.
For those who get their kicks on two wheels, much of the camera buying decision will come down to the type of head wear being worn. Dirt riders - such as Moto-X, FMX or speedway - who typically wear goggles with an open full-face helmet may wish to secure their camera using a goggle strap mount. This mounting method is best suited to smaller, more streamlined, bullet-style cameras, such as the Drift HD.
However, road riders will typically wear a wear a full face helmet with a built in visor, in which case a curved adhesive mount may be the most appropriate mounting option. The GoPro Front Mount is also another popular camera mount, which attaches to the front of a helmet like a headlamp and can be turned back to face the rider for self-portrait videos and photos.
For those who prefer to drive on four wheels, be it on tarmac or dirt, there are also a number of camera mounting options available. Much like above, the perspective of footage captured will be determined by the style and position of the camera mount being used.
While many drivers opt for a helmet mount in order to gain point-of-view footage, some prefer to mount the camera on the dashboard of the vehicle. Doing so can offer a smooth racing view if facing out of the windscreen, or capture a driver’s reaction or commentary if turned backwards. There’s also the option of securing the camera to the wind screen using a suction mount, if preferred.
As you can see, there are plenty of camera mounting options for any motorsport enthusiast, and there are a number of camera models available that are more than suitable for the job.
Much of the Drift HD's appeal comes in the form of it’s built in screen and optional remote control, which make the camera perfect for recording on a bike or in a car. There are also a host of additional motorsport appropriate mounts available for the Drift HD, including the Drift suction, the Drift Handle Bar Mount, as well as clamps and roll bar mounts.
But arguably the best all-round package is the GoPro HD Hero2 Motorsports Edition. This motorsport-specific package includes the newest edition to the GoPro action camera family - the GoPro HD2 - as well as assorted kit mountable and wearable mounting hardware to suit every type of rider or driver. As well as adaptability, the GoPro HD2 packs full 1080p HD recording, a 170° wide-angle lens and 5 megapixel still image capture - it’s also waterproof, meaning rain will never stop play.
So whether you’re a professional with a big race looming, or a wannabe Stig on your first track day, an HD action camera can make it possible to capture and share the experience whenever you please.
Do Martial Arts Academies Need Sparring?
Sparring is something that all martial arts classes utilize. There are various combat sports, such as boxing and wrestling that use sparring as well. It is a very useful tool, aiding students become better by having their combatting techniques as well as additional skills they have studied. By practicing against other individuals, students learn the system quicker and become more accomplished at performing the methods rapidly as well as effectively.
If you are studying martial arts in a dojo, you 'll discover sparring to be extremely fantastic as well as useful to your instruction. The instructors are going to be overlooking proceedings as well as guiding students, making sure that no one becomes hurt. Students generally apply safety equipment, including headgear, to make certain the sparring session is safe throughout practice.
Depending on the talent level and the particular martial art class you are attending, you might end up sparring without protective gear. When students get to a sophisticated stage and are extremely skilled they will not normally want protective equipment. At this phase, their sparring abilities as well as approaches are such that they can easily go a few rounds by having more skilled students as well as not make any detrimental contact at all.
Martial arts such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, that focus on grappling, make substantial usage of sparring, as it is needed to correctly execute the procedures against a resisting opponent. Martial arts that focus mainly on grappling use joint locks as well as submission methods, which will certainly desire to be extensively practiced before they can be utilized effectively during a rivalry or in a self defense situation.
Throughout sparring, students go back as well as forth, remaining competitive with each additional and testing talents. Timing of the rounds will differ, although most last several minutes. Students will even obtain guidance as well as insight from their instructors to allow them recognize how they are doing and if they need to alter just about anything. This also provides instructors a prospect to see simply exactly how well you are progressing in instruction as well as what areas you want to function on.
In some cases, sparring can easily be done by yourself, without anybody else working by having you; shadow boxing! If you are sparring by yourself, you might utilize equipment such as punching bags, tackling dummies, or other forms of hardware that will certainly help you by having the martial art. The foam or rubber dummies are most frequently utilized by having grappling approaches or for ground as well as pound drilling, as they render the opponent that you are attempting to pummel into entry.
Sparring is an impressive much to practice the skills you have learned against hardware or other students. Students are fun to spar against, specifically if they are at a greater level of skill than you. You can easily use sparring to your benefit, studying what others do as well as how they react to the movements and approaches. The longer you spar as well as practice your moves - the better you will certainly get in the instruction, speed as well as the execution of the skills. Martial Arts classes are unfinished without this excellent instruction device.
If you are studying martial arts in a dojo, you 'll discover sparring to be extremely fantastic as well as useful to your instruction. The instructors are going to be overlooking proceedings as well as guiding students, making sure that no one becomes hurt. Students generally apply safety equipment, including headgear, to make certain the sparring session is safe throughout practice.
Depending on the talent level and the particular martial art class you are attending, you might end up sparring without protective gear. When students get to a sophisticated stage and are extremely skilled they will not normally want protective equipment. At this phase, their sparring abilities as well as approaches are such that they can easily go a few rounds by having more skilled students as well as not make any detrimental contact at all.
Martial arts such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, that focus on grappling, make substantial usage of sparring, as it is needed to correctly execute the procedures against a resisting opponent. Martial arts that focus mainly on grappling use joint locks as well as submission methods, which will certainly desire to be extensively practiced before they can be utilized effectively during a rivalry or in a self defense situation.
Throughout sparring, students go back as well as forth, remaining competitive with each additional and testing talents. Timing of the rounds will differ, although most last several minutes. Students will even obtain guidance as well as insight from their instructors to allow them recognize how they are doing and if they need to alter just about anything. This also provides instructors a prospect to see simply exactly how well you are progressing in instruction as well as what areas you want to function on.
In some cases, sparring can easily be done by yourself, without anybody else working by having you; shadow boxing! If you are sparring by yourself, you might utilize equipment such as punching bags, tackling dummies, or other forms of hardware that will certainly help you by having the martial art. The foam or rubber dummies are most frequently utilized by having grappling approaches or for ground as well as pound drilling, as they render the opponent that you are attempting to pummel into entry.
Sparring is an impressive much to practice the skills you have learned against hardware or other students. Students are fun to spar against, specifically if they are at a greater level of skill than you. You can easily use sparring to your benefit, studying what others do as well as how they react to the movements and approaches. The longer you spar as well as practice your moves - the better you will certainly get in the instruction, speed as well as the execution of the skills. Martial Arts classes are unfinished without this excellent instruction device.
The Risks And Benefits Of Different Kinds Of Exercise
The benefits of exercise and fitness extend beyond cardiovascular health and weight loss. Exercise can help to improve your muscle tone, bone density, range of motion, pumonary health as well as reproductive health. There are many kinds of exercise such as pilates, yoga, running, golf, tennis, walking and swimming. Different kinds of exercise modalities have different benefits. Running is one of the best kinds of exercise for cardiovascular health but due to the high impact nature it can be very stressful on many joints of thebody especially the feet and knees. Runnes often develop injuries such as knee pain or tendinitis.
Swimming is the opposite in terms of being taxing on the joints but if you swim in a pool then the harsh chemicals such as clorine that a pool has can be very drying for hair, eyes and skin. If you swim in the ocean then you have to be careful about sunburn since the relfection of the rays on the water intensify the rays of the sun. If you don't know how to swim though you need to be under close supervision of a swim teacher otherwise you run the risk of drowning. Swimming in the ocean can be dangerous even for seasoned swimmers due to the risk of rip currents.
Yoga is thought to be one of the most effective exercise routines out there but due to the low amount of anatomy training that most yoga teachers have it if the poses are noe done with proper alignment and body mechanics it can leads to injuries as well, especially of the spine, shoulders and knees since many of the poses are weight bearing which can be very taxing on the joints. Using a pilates reformer, which is a workout machine that controls your movements. Since the movements are controlled and precise there is less risk of injury from this kind of exercise since your range of motion is managed by the reformer machine.
Some of the safest kinds os exercises are pilates classes since most teachers are well versed in anatomy and biomechanics and most of the poses are on a mat which means they are not weight bearing and not as taxing on the joints. Walking is ususally one of the safest kinds of exercises due it's low impact nature. Just make sure to have proper walking shoes on that support your body and physical frame.
Swimming is the opposite in terms of being taxing on the joints but if you swim in a pool then the harsh chemicals such as clorine that a pool has can be very drying for hair, eyes and skin. If you swim in the ocean then you have to be careful about sunburn since the relfection of the rays on the water intensify the rays of the sun. If you don't know how to swim though you need to be under close supervision of a swim teacher otherwise you run the risk of drowning. Swimming in the ocean can be dangerous even for seasoned swimmers due to the risk of rip currents.
Yoga is thought to be one of the most effective exercise routines out there but due to the low amount of anatomy training that most yoga teachers have it if the poses are noe done with proper alignment and body mechanics it can leads to injuries as well, especially of the spine, shoulders and knees since many of the poses are weight bearing which can be very taxing on the joints. Using a pilates reformer, which is a workout machine that controls your movements. Since the movements are controlled and precise there is less risk of injury from this kind of exercise since your range of motion is managed by the reformer machine.
Some of the safest kinds os exercises are pilates classes since most teachers are well versed in anatomy and biomechanics and most of the poses are on a mat which means they are not weight bearing and not as taxing on the joints. Walking is ususally one of the safest kinds of exercises due it's low impact nature. Just make sure to have proper walking shoes on that support your body and physical frame.
Getting A Trampoline Is The Best Thing You Can Do For The Kids
Nowadays, adults and children alike would the nearest gadget when they are bored and have nothing to do. They would spend countless hours with their eyes stuck to it like glue, especially when they are playing a game on it. Some people would even use them to read their e-books when the real thing is not within their reach. Although these electronic advancements have provided everyone with an advantage with regard to recreation and having work done efficiently, it also has its downsides.
Children are often introduced to electronics at an extremely young age and get addicted to it quickly. Instead of running around and playing with other kids their age, they would stay indoors and spend countless hours playing with their new gadget. Because of the lack of exercise, they tend to become obese easily. In addition to that, they are unable to practice their social kids and have a tendency to be withdrawn from the public.
If you want to avoid this from happening to you or your kids, you should find them something they can play with that will help promote exercise and interaction with other people. However, you also need to see to it that they won't get bored easily. If you want to get something that will grow together with your kids, you should acquire a trampoline for them. Trampolines have been popular for a long time already, and with good reason. During the summer months, these are extremely popular.
Adults and children alike can have a load of fun on these. They can spend countless hours jumping on it, and without even realizing it, they were able to obtain the necessary daily exercise to keep them healthy. In addition to that, it can help strengthen relationships and help build new ones. Your little one won't be as shy to make new friends when they have a trampoline to use as a conversation starter. These will benefit them as well because they will be able to develop their balance at the same time. Frequent use of it also help promotes cardiovascular health.
When you have made the decision to purchase one, you also need to take some things into consideration. See to it that you obtain trampoline parts so that you will be able to immediately replace your worn or damaged parts. In addition to that, you should also acquire the necessary accessories that promote safety in order to avoid any injuries and a trip to the emergency room. Doing so will ensure you that you and your children will be able to spend countless hours on it, safely.
Children are often introduced to electronics at an extremely young age and get addicted to it quickly. Instead of running around and playing with other kids their age, they would stay indoors and spend countless hours playing with their new gadget. Because of the lack of exercise, they tend to become obese easily. In addition to that, they are unable to practice their social kids and have a tendency to be withdrawn from the public.
If you want to avoid this from happening to you or your kids, you should find them something they can play with that will help promote exercise and interaction with other people. However, you also need to see to it that they won't get bored easily. If you want to get something that will grow together with your kids, you should acquire a trampoline for them. Trampolines have been popular for a long time already, and with good reason. During the summer months, these are extremely popular.
Adults and children alike can have a load of fun on these. They can spend countless hours jumping on it, and without even realizing it, they were able to obtain the necessary daily exercise to keep them healthy. In addition to that, it can help strengthen relationships and help build new ones. Your little one won't be as shy to make new friends when they have a trampoline to use as a conversation starter. These will benefit them as well because they will be able to develop their balance at the same time. Frequent use of it also help promotes cardiovascular health.
When you have made the decision to purchase one, you also need to take some things into consideration. See to it that you obtain trampoline parts so that you will be able to immediately replace your worn or damaged parts. In addition to that, you should also acquire the necessary accessories that promote safety in order to avoid any injuries and a trip to the emergency room. Doing so will ensure you that you and your children will be able to spend countless hours on it, safely.
Some Of The Tips You've Always Wanted To Know About Woodworking
Woodworking can be a fascinating hobby. The beautiful things you can create are endless. Whether you prefer to make decorative items or item that are functional, woodworking offers something for everyone. If you are looking to get into woodworking then here are some tips to get you started in the world of woodworking.
Know your budget so you know what you can make. It is easy for your eyes to be larger than your wallet. It is very disappointing to run out of funds before your project is complete. Be sure to budget in advance to be prepared for any eventuality.
Familiarize yourself with the tools that you are going to use. This is a very important tip for the beginner, but even more advanced woodworkers can benefit from it too. Lay out the tools and make sure that you know the workings of each one. If you've got a brand new tool to you, spend the time that you need with it.
In a pinch, you can use a hacksaw blade as a makeshift compass. Often you can't find a compass when you need it in room, when you are away from your shop. You can quickly nail a hole in the middle of a hacksaw blade, then steady the pencil against the proper tooth to get the right length. Draw that circle.
Whenever you work with wood, wear a pair of safety glasses and a dust mask to keep yourself safe. When cutting or even hammering into wood, pieces can fly up into your eyes or be breathed in. This can lead to health issues which can end your enjoyment of this pursuit for good.
Whenever you work with power tools, be sure your clothing is tucked in properly. Any loose clothing or long, dangling hair or jewelry can easily become tangled in the tool, leading to injury or other disaster. Tuck everything in, pull back your hair, take off dangling jewelry and then get down to work.
If you have any pockets on the shirt you are wearing, remove everything from them before you start working with a table saw. It is very common for objects like pens and rulers to fall from your pocket and get caught in the blade, which can lead to some pretty serious injuries.
Do you find that your joint compound seems to dry out in between uses? There is a simple fix to help keep your joint compound moist. Simply pour a small amount of water on top of your joint compound before sealing it. The next time you need to use the joint compound, drain off the excess water and your joint compound will be perfectly moist.
As you can see, woodworking offers something for anyone who is interested in getting into the world of crating hand crafted items. The possibilities are endless. You can make things as simple as a small birdhouse or an elaborate dollhouse. All it takes is some wood, a few tools and creativity.
Know your budget so you know what you can make. It is easy for your eyes to be larger than your wallet. It is very disappointing to run out of funds before your project is complete. Be sure to budget in advance to be prepared for any eventuality.
Familiarize yourself with the tools that you are going to use. This is a very important tip for the beginner, but even more advanced woodworkers can benefit from it too. Lay out the tools and make sure that you know the workings of each one. If you've got a brand new tool to you, spend the time that you need with it.
In a pinch, you can use a hacksaw blade as a makeshift compass. Often you can't find a compass when you need it in room, when you are away from your shop. You can quickly nail a hole in the middle of a hacksaw blade, then steady the pencil against the proper tooth to get the right length. Draw that circle.
Whenever you work with wood, wear a pair of safety glasses and a dust mask to keep yourself safe. When cutting or even hammering into wood, pieces can fly up into your eyes or be breathed in. This can lead to health issues which can end your enjoyment of this pursuit for good.
Whenever you work with power tools, be sure your clothing is tucked in properly. Any loose clothing or long, dangling hair or jewelry can easily become tangled in the tool, leading to injury or other disaster. Tuck everything in, pull back your hair, take off dangling jewelry and then get down to work.
If you have any pockets on the shirt you are wearing, remove everything from them before you start working with a table saw. It is very common for objects like pens and rulers to fall from your pocket and get caught in the blade, which can lead to some pretty serious injuries.
Do you find that your joint compound seems to dry out in between uses? There is a simple fix to help keep your joint compound moist. Simply pour a small amount of water on top of your joint compound before sealing it. The next time you need to use the joint compound, drain off the excess water and your joint compound will be perfectly moist.
As you can see, woodworking offers something for anyone who is interested in getting into the world of crating hand crafted items. The possibilities are endless. You can make things as simple as a small birdhouse or an elaborate dollhouse. All it takes is some wood, a few tools and creativity.
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The family spent a considerable amount of time shopping through all the selections of designer heels before deciding on a pair that were the choice of brand ugg boots for the previous year.What are the combined result of the nation is sweet, with sample ugg ugg are intended to implement occasional payday without having to conditions requiring great defense or Ugg boots Highkoo when the voltage is to be available to train with comfort in place to protect all pets. cleaning products should be used immediately in sheepskin, as this can cause long-standing wrong.
In 1960, Australian surfers put ugg boots outlet to warm their feet after their arrival in the waves, and people in Australia would often wear these boots in the house during the winters. Since then, uggs have provoked an outcry in the world, proving a success in countries such as heat and cold. With the warmth and comfort, provided, UGG boots continue to defend their land as one of the most popular pieces of reporting in today’s world of fashion.
After UGG has become one of the most fashion brands famous throughout the world, UGG boots are very successful in the United States and the United Kingdom, the quality of materials (natural sheepskin Australian) to provide smooth and comfort to our feet. The inside of these shoes are soft and thick fibers, which allow perspiration and keep your feet warm in extremely cold. Ugg Australia also maintains the exterior waterproof shoes.
The women such as flowers
Many girls have dreams, some people dream of to become a scientist, and some people dream of to be a statesman, some people would like to be steady over a lifetime, this is the old sayings” every one has his own dream”. And what is my dream? When I was young I dream of to be a princess, and I wait until I grow up I find my ideas are impractical, people that have given birth just right, how do I change it? I really think this idea is very funny.
When I grow up, I am still doing my princess dream princess dream that I know it will not disappear destined. When I see the beautiful pandora jewelry, my heart feels a touch of warmth, I know the feeling that I want to find the princess is in there, I look at those pretty pandora jewellery carefully, and I watch them and stroke them, a kind of joy is stirring in my heart.
I buy some pandora earrings and those beautiful pandora necklace, they are very beautiful, I love them, and I think it is because they only let me look more refresh, I really like them from my psyche. It is said that a woman is a flower; I want to say another beautiful woman need jewelry to decorate. The pandora sales jewelry is really a good choice.
In the early career, the sisters, the wonderful years only the less wonder years, these days once miss and will never comes back, so make your youth.
When I grow up, I am still doing my princess dream princess dream that I know it will not disappear destined. When I see the beautiful pandora jewelry, my heart feels a touch of warmth, I know the feeling that I want to find the princess is in there, I look at those pretty pandora jewellery carefully, and I watch them and stroke them, a kind of joy is stirring in my heart.
I buy some pandora earrings and those beautiful pandora necklace, they are very beautiful, I love them, and I think it is because they only let me look more refresh, I really like them from my psyche. It is said that a woman is a flower; I want to say another beautiful woman need jewelry to decorate. The pandora sales jewelry is really a good choice.
In the early career, the sisters, the wonderful years only the less wonder years, these days once miss and will never comes back, so make your youth.
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HOUSTON – Houston Rockets centre Yao Ming suffered another setback in his comeback when a stress fracture was found in his left ankle, the NBA team said Thursday. mbt fashion shoes The fracture was discovered Thursday during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test and there was no timetable for his return, the Rockets said on their website The seven-times NBA All-Star has been sidelined since Nov 10 with a bone bruise to his left ankle. cheap ugg boots “This is very sad,” Rockets owner Leslie Alexander told KRIV-TV in Houston. “This is a very disappointing moment in the history of the Rockets organization, for our wonderful fans, for the city of Houston and for everybody in our organization. I feel terrible for Yao.” mbt sport shoes It’s a major setback for the 30-year-old Yao, a seven-time All-Star, who sat out all of last season after fracturing a bone in his left foot that required surgery. He has played in only five games this season. airmax shoes Yao’s Rockets still have legitimate playoff aspirations. They’ve had a bad luck streak in losing both Yao and point man Aaron Brooks so far, and the team’s 10-15 record isn’t quite representative because they’ve lost quite a few close games. But this is news that tends to enervate, to say the very least. big discount It could also be the best thing for all involved, as the Rockets start to properly rebuild, and Yao takes another near-full year off to work his feet back to health. jordan shoes But a silver lining like that is just too depressing to consider right now. As it stands right now, this could be the injury that ends Yao Ming’s career. brandedsite
Sports Gear: When Comfort, Fashion And Safety Go Together.
There are so many sports that people are involved in these days. No wonder sports gear becomes one of the top search items. The term “sports gear” implies a variety of sport related things – from clothing and footwear to equipment and accessories. From individual to team sports, certain kinds of sports gear are designed specifically for each sport or activity. Actually, you don’t have to be professionally in for sports to use sports gear. Many people find it comfortable and handy for traveling, gym workouts or even some of your ordinary everyday activities. Sports gear is particularly popular with teenagers; and finally, there is hardly anyone who doesn’t possess at least a pair of sneakers and a couple of T-shirts.
When it comes to sports gear, one of the most important items is the right clothing. The pieces of clothing are specifically designed to make every sporting event a little easier to participate in. If you are a soccer player, obviously, you will want to wear clothing that allows enough room to breathe but doesn’t interfere with your movement. Playing football means you need a jersey and some tights designed to hold all of the protective padding. In spite of a few restrictions (sports gear designs have to follow certain rules and traditions according to every particular sport), fashion reigns in this area as well, creating new functional materials and adding more style to comfort.
Whether you enjoy your sport activity or hate it depends upon your footwear a lot. This is, probably, the most important piece of sports gear, critical in some cases. If your athletic shoes fail, you will be left barefoot or what’s worse, injured. You will need appropriate type of arch support during your activity, that’s where sneakers are the best. They should be properly fitted and be appropriate for the sport or activity and playing surface. Such factors as torsion, flexion, midsole density and heal counter are decisive while purchasing sports footwear.
Protective gear
For those participating in active sports protective gear is essential as they are most prone to injures. Shin pads, shoulder and body protectors, wrist, elbow and knee guards, helmets, ankle tapping and braces, mouth guards, gloves and so on, all are called to prove the fact that prevention is the key. For every sport there is specific and appropriate protective equipment. It should always fit a person correctly and be used according to manufacturer’s guidelines and the recommendations of the sporting body concerned. Needless to say, protective gear should be maintained properly and checked regularly.
Jewelry and stuff like that often viewed as something absolutely out of place in sports. However, the items are in demand and sometimes can really compliment to your look if you know how to match them. Besides, stylish watch with favorite team logo or, say, a nice sporting bag can make a perfect gift for an occasion. And, of course, there are certain accessories you cannot do without if you are in for a particular sport. Imagine snowboarding without a board or playing golf without a club and a ball.
Once you determine what type of equipment, clothing, and footwear you need, you can try to find the best deal on your items. With great selection of brand names and sellers it’s easy to find something suitable, functional and stylish for each individual.
Although a good price is important, your comfort and safety are more important. Look for quality products at fair prices, not cheap prices for bad products.
When it comes to sports gear, one of the most important items is the right clothing. The pieces of clothing are specifically designed to make every sporting event a little easier to participate in. If you are a soccer player, obviously, you will want to wear clothing that allows enough room to breathe but doesn’t interfere with your movement. Playing football means you need a jersey and some tights designed to hold all of the protective padding. In spite of a few restrictions (sports gear designs have to follow certain rules and traditions according to every particular sport), fashion reigns in this area as well, creating new functional materials and adding more style to comfort.
Whether you enjoy your sport activity or hate it depends upon your footwear a lot. This is, probably, the most important piece of sports gear, critical in some cases. If your athletic shoes fail, you will be left barefoot or what’s worse, injured. You will need appropriate type of arch support during your activity, that’s where sneakers are the best. They should be properly fitted and be appropriate for the sport or activity and playing surface. Such factors as torsion, flexion, midsole density and heal counter are decisive while purchasing sports footwear.
Protective gear
For those participating in active sports protective gear is essential as they are most prone to injures. Shin pads, shoulder and body protectors, wrist, elbow and knee guards, helmets, ankle tapping and braces, mouth guards, gloves and so on, all are called to prove the fact that prevention is the key. For every sport there is specific and appropriate protective equipment. It should always fit a person correctly and be used according to manufacturer’s guidelines and the recommendations of the sporting body concerned. Needless to say, protective gear should be maintained properly and checked regularly.
Jewelry and stuff like that often viewed as something absolutely out of place in sports. However, the items are in demand and sometimes can really compliment to your look if you know how to match them. Besides, stylish watch with favorite team logo or, say, a nice sporting bag can make a perfect gift for an occasion. And, of course, there are certain accessories you cannot do without if you are in for a particular sport. Imagine snowboarding without a board or playing golf without a club and a ball.
Once you determine what type of equipment, clothing, and footwear you need, you can try to find the best deal on your items. With great selection of brand names and sellers it’s easy to find something suitable, functional and stylish for each individual.
Although a good price is important, your comfort and safety are more important. Look for quality products at fair prices, not cheap prices for bad products.
Runescape Hacks - Runescape Hacks - Backdoors And Beating The System
If you want to gain a mortal edge over other RuneScape players, RuneScape Hacks are the order of the day. RuneScape is a massive multiplayer online role playing game that consists of an ample battle field where thousands of players fight it of for victory. Since there are more than 5 thousand users per server, it is no surprise that many of these use RuneScape Hacks to facilitate their playing experience.
There are plenty of RuneScape hacking tools in the market such as Autoer. Such programs allow you to directly edit your stats and pump them up to any level you want. Even if you feel like changing your mode to God mode, you can accomplish this with a good enough RuneScape hack. An armor upgrader works by upgrading your armor to the highest levels without forking out one cent.
Other auto pickers enable you to pick up dropped items. Maybe the most famous one, the autominer can help you get unlimited quantities of gold. The basic philosophy behind such auto programs is that you can leave them on while you go to school, work or even go asleep all night long to find a pleasant surprise next morning.
A recently offered RuneScape hack, the R2JK is so powerful you cannot even find it on Google. This hack is not meant for anyone, especially children trying to beat the system blindly. With this super hack you can convert any player or item into anything else, including moderator status.
You can see how such a tool can be a menacing danger, hence the very low profile it presents. Do not expect to find this tool easily since so many little players actually get to have the chance of having it in their hands.
There are plenty of RuneScape hacking tools in the market such as Autoer. Such programs allow you to directly edit your stats and pump them up to any level you want. Even if you feel like changing your mode to God mode, you can accomplish this with a good enough RuneScape hack. An armor upgrader works by upgrading your armor to the highest levels without forking out one cent.
Other auto pickers enable you to pick up dropped items. Maybe the most famous one, the autominer can help you get unlimited quantities of gold. The basic philosophy behind such auto programs is that you can leave them on while you go to school, work or even go asleep all night long to find a pleasant surprise next morning.
A recently offered RuneScape hack, the R2JK is so powerful you cannot even find it on Google. This hack is not meant for anyone, especially children trying to beat the system blindly. With this super hack you can convert any player or item into anything else, including moderator status.
You can see how such a tool can be a menacing danger, hence the very low profile it presents. Do not expect to find this tool easily since so many little players actually get to have the chance of having it in their hands.
Runescape Cheats - Runescape Cheats - Is It Ok To Cheat?
In the real physical world we look down on cheaters with utter disgust. However in the world of RuneScape, the players who get away with RuneScape cheats are often viewed as heroes. These MMORPG legends are the underground people who somehow find unknown cheats that the developers left vulnerable, many times even on purpose. It turns out that some RuneScape developers use the cheats themselves! Sometimes the secret info or passwords leak and they soon become popular.
Because they are so useful for online gamers, RuneScape cheats are very high in demand. In fact there are "gamers" who actually don't play RuneScape for the game itself but rather to find valuable cheats that they can later sell for a high price.
We have all heard of the term "Back Door", well there is always a backdoor in the system and RuneScape is no exception. Developers know this way back from the ages of Atari and the first version of Mario Bros. They also know that a certain class of player gets tired very easily and can even get annoyed at the game. That's why these backdoors and cheats are created, to soothe and satisfy the need of the player.
Many, many websites offer RuneScape cheats. It's not even funny how many sites offer these cheats and passwords. That's mainly thanks to the ultra popularity this game has achieved during its short lifespan. One way to not blatantly cheat the system but rather look for a helping hand is to look for a walkthrough rather than a cheat. Walkthroughs show you how to overcome and finish quests without breaking any rules or making any moderator unhappy.
Having said all this, we should not be afraid of using RuneScape cheats if the situation requires it. If you've been stuck on a puzzle for ages and have just tried about everything and have reached the point of maximum frustration, THEN it's time to unleash your use of RuneScape cheats.
Because they are so useful for online gamers, RuneScape cheats are very high in demand. In fact there are "gamers" who actually don't play RuneScape for the game itself but rather to find valuable cheats that they can later sell for a high price.
We have all heard of the term "Back Door", well there is always a backdoor in the system and RuneScape is no exception. Developers know this way back from the ages of Atari and the first version of Mario Bros. They also know that a certain class of player gets tired very easily and can even get annoyed at the game. That's why these backdoors and cheats are created, to soothe and satisfy the need of the player.
Many, many websites offer RuneScape cheats. It's not even funny how many sites offer these cheats and passwords. That's mainly thanks to the ultra popularity this game has achieved during its short lifespan. One way to not blatantly cheat the system but rather look for a helping hand is to look for a walkthrough rather than a cheat. Walkthroughs show you how to overcome and finish quests without breaking any rules or making any moderator unhappy.
Having said all this, we should not be afraid of using RuneScape cheats if the situation requires it. If you've been stuck on a puzzle for ages and have just tried about everything and have reached the point of maximum frustration, THEN it's time to unleash your use of RuneScape cheats.
Scuba Diving Thailand - Scuba Diving In Thailand
Thailand is sandwiched between The Gulf of Thailand on its eastern coastline and the vast expanse of the Andaman Sea on its western coast. It is in these body of waters that scuba divers can explore the marine life of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean without having to cross continents.
The waters in Thailand have one of the richest and diverse marine life in the world because conditions here for coral growth is almost perfect with an average temperature of 28C all year round and fantastic underwater visibility.
Because of these almost ideal scuba diving conditions and attractions, the scuba diving industry in Thailand is thriving robustly with the proliferation of first class scuba diving facilities, services and diving schools.
When you throw in what the tourist industry has to offer in Thailand such as fantastic entertainment, a spread of accommodations, hotels and resorts for every budget and Thailand's renowned delightful cuisines, you can be assured of an enjoyable scuba diving vacation.
The Gulf of Thailand has hundreds of islands on its 1,840km (1,143 miles) long coast. The gulf is a shallow bowl shaped body of water separated from the South China Sea by a pair of underwater ridges that extend from Vietnam on one side and Malaysia to the other.
The sea bed bottom here is mostly mud mixed with sand and shells. Corals are usually found around the fringes of the gulf islands. There are several rivers in the north bringing enough sediment and freshwater to inhibit coral growth until to the south or the eastern side of the Gulf of Thailand.
The underwater scenery in the gulf is perhaps not as visually appealing as those of the Andaman Sea as it has slightly less variety of marine life. Marine parks such as the Ang Thong Marine Park include spectacularly formed limestone islands with lush rainforest covering them and many of these islands are actually uninhabited.
World famous resorts of Pattaya, Phuket and Koh Samui offer excellent scuba diving facilities as well as other reacreations and entertaiment.
The Andaman Sea was already thriving thousands of years ago with Chinese, European, Thai and Indian trading vessels plying its waters. Today, the Andaman Sea is more of a playground for dive boats and sailing yachts rather than for trading vessels.
One of the better known playgrounds for divers in the Andaman and is often rated amongst the top scuba diving destinations in the world are the Similan Islands. Divers can explore Similan, the Surin Islands and the Mergui Archipelago in liveaboard diving cruises.
Thailand's Andaman Sea stretches 870km (541 miles) from Tarutao National Park on the border of Malaysia to the Surin Islands on the border of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). It is part of the Indian Ocean and is separated from the Bay of Bengal by the Andaman-Nicobar Ridge. Quaint formations of granite outcrops can be senn in the Surin and Similan Islands.
Other island groups such as Koh Phi Phi are shaped by massive limestone and calcium carbonates since prehistoric time.
The only problem when you travel to Thailand for scuba diving is where to start your diving vacation since there are so many excellent dive spots to choose from and you will be spoilt for choice.
The waters in Thailand have one of the richest and diverse marine life in the world because conditions here for coral growth is almost perfect with an average temperature of 28C all year round and fantastic underwater visibility.
Because of these almost ideal scuba diving conditions and attractions, the scuba diving industry in Thailand is thriving robustly with the proliferation of first class scuba diving facilities, services and diving schools.
When you throw in what the tourist industry has to offer in Thailand such as fantastic entertainment, a spread of accommodations, hotels and resorts for every budget and Thailand's renowned delightful cuisines, you can be assured of an enjoyable scuba diving vacation.
The Gulf of Thailand has hundreds of islands on its 1,840km (1,143 miles) long coast. The gulf is a shallow bowl shaped body of water separated from the South China Sea by a pair of underwater ridges that extend from Vietnam on one side and Malaysia to the other.
The sea bed bottom here is mostly mud mixed with sand and shells. Corals are usually found around the fringes of the gulf islands. There are several rivers in the north bringing enough sediment and freshwater to inhibit coral growth until to the south or the eastern side of the Gulf of Thailand.
The underwater scenery in the gulf is perhaps not as visually appealing as those of the Andaman Sea as it has slightly less variety of marine life. Marine parks such as the Ang Thong Marine Park include spectacularly formed limestone islands with lush rainforest covering them and many of these islands are actually uninhabited.
World famous resorts of Pattaya, Phuket and Koh Samui offer excellent scuba diving facilities as well as other reacreations and entertaiment.
The Andaman Sea was already thriving thousands of years ago with Chinese, European, Thai and Indian trading vessels plying its waters. Today, the Andaman Sea is more of a playground for dive boats and sailing yachts rather than for trading vessels.
One of the better known playgrounds for divers in the Andaman and is often rated amongst the top scuba diving destinations in the world are the Similan Islands. Divers can explore Similan, the Surin Islands and the Mergui Archipelago in liveaboard diving cruises.
Thailand's Andaman Sea stretches 870km (541 miles) from Tarutao National Park on the border of Malaysia to the Surin Islands on the border of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). It is part of the Indian Ocean and is separated from the Bay of Bengal by the Andaman-Nicobar Ridge. Quaint formations of granite outcrops can be senn in the Surin and Similan Islands.
Other island groups such as Koh Phi Phi are shaped by massive limestone and calcium carbonates since prehistoric time.
The only problem when you travel to Thailand for scuba diving is where to start your diving vacation since there are so many excellent dive spots to choose from and you will be spoilt for choice.
Mma - What To Know About Cagefighters
Cagefighters have been in existence since the time of the ancient Greeks, when unarmed combat, called pankration, was first introduced into the Olympic Games in the year 648 B.C. Pankration was known as the most extreme combat sports, and statues to honor the top pankratiasts were erected in cities as late as the Early Middle Ages. This tradition of no holds barred events, while not always taking place in an actual cage, nevertheless paved the way for the methods and techniques employed by cage fighters. These no holds barred competitions took place in the late 1800s, in arenas and music hall challenge matches throughout the world, predominately in Europe.
The first recorded major encounter between a boxer and a wrestler in modern recording took place in 1887, between John L. Sullivan, the then heavy weight world boxing champion, and William Muldoon, a Greco-Roman wrestling champion. Since then, there have been other pre WWI mixed martial arts matches, but this sport did not really gain any widespread popularity until after World War I and the restructuring of professional wrestling to include to separate styles, shoot, which included actual competition, and show, which later evolved into the modern sports entertainment professional wrestling.
Cagefighters in the modern sense began with the vale tudo tournaments in Brazil, hosted by the Gracie family, as well as the mixed martial arts matches hosted in Japan in the 1970s by Antonio Inoki. The first mixed martial arts organization, Shooto, was formed in 1985. This concept of mixed martial arts was also popularized by Bruce Lee in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and Lee has come to be known as the father of mixed martial arts.
In 1993, after Royal Gracies victory in the first Ultimate fighting championship, cagefighters found a larger, more widespread platform for their sport, despite criticism from those who deemed it too violent and brutal. UFC bouts, as well as other MMA sanctioned cage fighting bouts, are held in an octagonal caged enclosure, or The Octagon, a structure with eight sided walls of metal chain link fence coated with black vinyl and heavy foam padding around the sides. Cagefighters are required to fight in approved shorts, and no shoes, shirts, gis, or any sort of foot coverings are allowed. Fighters must also use approved light gloves that reduce the risk of a broken hand while providing better grabbing and grappling ability.
While todays cagefighter may compete in a different environment than that of the early Grecian combat fighters, the skill set needed, the methods, and the techniques have remained relatively unchanged throughout the centuries of the sports evolution.
The first recorded major encounter between a boxer and a wrestler in modern recording took place in 1887, between John L. Sullivan, the then heavy weight world boxing champion, and William Muldoon, a Greco-Roman wrestling champion. Since then, there have been other pre WWI mixed martial arts matches, but this sport did not really gain any widespread popularity until after World War I and the restructuring of professional wrestling to include to separate styles, shoot, which included actual competition, and show, which later evolved into the modern sports entertainment professional wrestling.
Cagefighters in the modern sense began with the vale tudo tournaments in Brazil, hosted by the Gracie family, as well as the mixed martial arts matches hosted in Japan in the 1970s by Antonio Inoki. The first mixed martial arts organization, Shooto, was formed in 1985. This concept of mixed martial arts was also popularized by Bruce Lee in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and Lee has come to be known as the father of mixed martial arts.
In 1993, after Royal Gracies victory in the first Ultimate fighting championship, cagefighters found a larger, more widespread platform for their sport, despite criticism from those who deemed it too violent and brutal. UFC bouts, as well as other MMA sanctioned cage fighting bouts, are held in an octagonal caged enclosure, or The Octagon, a structure with eight sided walls of metal chain link fence coated with black vinyl and heavy foam padding around the sides. Cagefighters are required to fight in approved shorts, and no shoes, shirts, gis, or any sort of foot coverings are allowed. Fighters must also use approved light gloves that reduce the risk of a broken hand while providing better grabbing and grappling ability.
While todays cagefighter may compete in a different environment than that of the early Grecian combat fighters, the skill set needed, the methods, and the techniques have remained relatively unchanged throughout the centuries of the sports evolution.
Octagon - Ufc Fight Gear And The Octagon
UFC and MMA fights are held in a cage and eight sided chain linked reinforced, heavily padded structure called the Octagon. As the sport has grown in popularity over the years, rules and regulations, according strict regulations concerning the type of fight gear that a cage fighter can wear during a match.
The Octagons unique shape and structure have become associated with the UFC brand name and the UFCs parent company, Zuffa. The Octagon is featured regularly on television and mentioned in the national media, adding to its brand recognition, so closely associated with the MMA and UFC in fact that it has become an iconic symbol of the sport since it was first featured in UFC events in 1993.
The UFC, or Ultimate Fighting Championship, is currently recognized as the largest MMA promotion worldwide, is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada and owned by Zuffa LLC. The UFC began as a tournament to find the best fighters in the world, and was based on the Brazilian vale tudo fighting style. Originally, it was known as a no holds barred fighting contest, which eventually led to accusations of human brutality. After criticism reduced the UFCs visibility was diminished by these accusations, the organization reformed itself and adapted strict, athletic commission sanctioned rules, remarketing itself as a legitimate sporting event.
This idea of a tournament geared towards finding the best world fighter was that of Art Davie, a Southern California based advertising executive who developed this concept while researching marital arts for a client. Davie went on to become the student of Rorion Gracie, a teacher of mixed martial arts. In 1992, Gracie, Davie, and John Milnus, a film director and screen writer, in addition to being a fellow Gracie student, developed a business plan to generate the initial capital required to start WOW Promotions in order to develop their tournament into a television franchise.
Fight gear for these events is restricted to regulation gloves and fight gear that includes only approved shorts, with no shoes or any type of foot covering allowed. Shirts, gis, and long pants, including gi pants, are also not allowed. The gloves are required because they enable fighters to increase the strength of their punches, while at the same time providing greater protection against injury and breakage. In the early days, attire was unregulated, and many fighters opted for tight fitting athletic shorts or long, boxer trunks, and other wore tight wrestling suits and long pants.
Royce Gracie, multi-tournament champion, wore a jujitsu gi in all of his early UFC appearances. The regulations came after the move to take the UFC and the MMA fighting style into the mainstream.
The Octagons unique shape and structure have become associated with the UFC brand name and the UFCs parent company, Zuffa. The Octagon is featured regularly on television and mentioned in the national media, adding to its brand recognition, so closely associated with the MMA and UFC in fact that it has become an iconic symbol of the sport since it was first featured in UFC events in 1993.
The UFC, or Ultimate Fighting Championship, is currently recognized as the largest MMA promotion worldwide, is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada and owned by Zuffa LLC. The UFC began as a tournament to find the best fighters in the world, and was based on the Brazilian vale tudo fighting style. Originally, it was known as a no holds barred fighting contest, which eventually led to accusations of human brutality. After criticism reduced the UFCs visibility was diminished by these accusations, the organization reformed itself and adapted strict, athletic commission sanctioned rules, remarketing itself as a legitimate sporting event.
This idea of a tournament geared towards finding the best world fighter was that of Art Davie, a Southern California based advertising executive who developed this concept while researching marital arts for a client. Davie went on to become the student of Rorion Gracie, a teacher of mixed martial arts. In 1992, Gracie, Davie, and John Milnus, a film director and screen writer, in addition to being a fellow Gracie student, developed a business plan to generate the initial capital required to start WOW Promotions in order to develop their tournament into a television franchise.
Fight gear for these events is restricted to regulation gloves and fight gear that includes only approved shorts, with no shoes or any type of foot covering allowed. Shirts, gis, and long pants, including gi pants, are also not allowed. The gloves are required because they enable fighters to increase the strength of their punches, while at the same time providing greater protection against injury and breakage. In the early days, attire was unregulated, and many fighters opted for tight fitting athletic shorts or long, boxer trunks, and other wore tight wrestling suits and long pants.
Royce Gracie, multi-tournament champion, wore a jujitsu gi in all of his early UFC appearances. The regulations came after the move to take the UFC and the MMA fighting style into the mainstream.
Mma - A Brief Background On Diego Sanchez
Diego The Nightmare Sanchez was born on December 31, 1981 in Albuquerque, New Mexico and is a mixed martial artist with a background wrestling and Gaidojutsu, a system of wrestling developed for him by his long time personal trainer, Greg Jackson. Sanchez, in addition to pioneering the combat method that has made him well known in fighting circles, currently fights as a welterweight with the UFC, and made his MMA debut in 2002, fighting mostly in small shows, like the King of the Cage promotion. His UFC debut resulted from his participation in the reality show, The Ultimate Fighter, and his subsequent win against Kenny Florian. Since then, Diego Sanchez has gone on to a successful career as a mixed martial artist.
Gaidojujutsu is a fighting system that incorporates Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing, and is popular in both UFC and PRIDE Fighting Championships. Other Gaidojutsu practitioners include Ultimate Fighters Rashad Evans and Keith Jardien, former UFC Welterweight Champion Georges St. Pierre, and recently deceased naturalist Steve Irwin.
Mixed Martial Arts, or MMA, combines many different fighting techniques, including grappling and striking, and high performance standards, particularly in the often intense, and very popular MMA tournaments. The first tournaments came about as a result of the 1993 Ultimate Fighting Championship, which matched different fighting styles in a competition where the rules were minimal and the goal was to find the best fighters in the world. The success of this mixed martial arts combat style led to the development and implementation of rules designed to keep athletes safe and deflect early criticism of the sport while still holding on to the original concept of the UFC as much as possible. The modern MMA tournaments have their roots in the Vale tudo martial arts tournaments held in Brazil by the Gracie family beginning in the 1920s, and the preliminary martial arts tournaments hosted in Japan by Antonio Inoki in the early 1970s.
There are several different competition techniques, including striking techniques, like kicks, punches, and knees, and grappling techniques, like pinning holds, submission holds, clinch holds, takedowns, throws and sweeps. The permissibility and legality of certain other techniques like headbutts, spinal locks, and elbows vary according to the specific organization and sponsored competition.
The MMA continues to grow in popularity and reputation, as athletes associated with the sport have also gained reputation and renown, as well as successful careers and endorsement deals. With mainstream acceptance, worldwide acclaim, and an every growing fan base, what started as an abstract concept has become an established sport and a successful platform from which many athletic careers have been launched. The future of the MMA appears to be bright, and the popularity of the sport, and the athletes involved, like Diego Sanchez, are even more so.
Gaidojujutsu is a fighting system that incorporates Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing, and is popular in both UFC and PRIDE Fighting Championships. Other Gaidojutsu practitioners include Ultimate Fighters Rashad Evans and Keith Jardien, former UFC Welterweight Champion Georges St. Pierre, and recently deceased naturalist Steve Irwin.
Mixed Martial Arts, or MMA, combines many different fighting techniques, including grappling and striking, and high performance standards, particularly in the often intense, and very popular MMA tournaments. The first tournaments came about as a result of the 1993 Ultimate Fighting Championship, which matched different fighting styles in a competition where the rules were minimal and the goal was to find the best fighters in the world. The success of this mixed martial arts combat style led to the development and implementation of rules designed to keep athletes safe and deflect early criticism of the sport while still holding on to the original concept of the UFC as much as possible. The modern MMA tournaments have their roots in the Vale tudo martial arts tournaments held in Brazil by the Gracie family beginning in the 1920s, and the preliminary martial arts tournaments hosted in Japan by Antonio Inoki in the early 1970s.
There are several different competition techniques, including striking techniques, like kicks, punches, and knees, and grappling techniques, like pinning holds, submission holds, clinch holds, takedowns, throws and sweeps. The permissibility and legality of certain other techniques like headbutts, spinal locks, and elbows vary according to the specific organization and sponsored competition.
The MMA continues to grow in popularity and reputation, as athletes associated with the sport have also gained reputation and renown, as well as successful careers and endorsement deals. With mainstream acceptance, worldwide acclaim, and an every growing fan base, what started as an abstract concept has become an established sport and a successful platform from which many athletic careers have been launched. The future of the MMA appears to be bright, and the popularity of the sport, and the athletes involved, like Diego Sanchez, are even more so.
The caddie and his Boss
Joe Collins wasn't just a caddie; he was somewhat of a good luck charm at Augusta National.
If you believe all Augusta National members are walking lumps of dandruff who eat boiled puppies for lunch, you're not going to like this story.
It happened a couple years ago.
Brad Boss, the multimillionaire chairman emeritus of the pen company A.T. Cross Co., is a member at the National and a decent player, possibly because he never went out on the course without his favorite caddie, Joe Collins.
Joe had the kind of eyes that could see clean into tomorrow. A caddie at Augusta from the time he was 16, he was known as the best reader of greens in the entire caddyshack.
They were buddies. Sounds crazy, but over the top of a golf bag, nobody cares about your stock portfolio.
He took a practically unknown player named Jim Jamieson to a tie for fifth place at the Masters in 1972. Even when Augusta National lifted its local-caddies-only rule in 1983, Joe still got bags. Colin Montgomerie used him in 1998 and finished tied for eighth. In 2000, Tommy Aaron, then 63, rode Joe to a record as the oldest player ever to make the cut. Still stands, too.
No wonder so many guys asked for Joe -- Michael Jordan took him three times -- but Brad always got him. They were buddies. Sounds crazy, but over the top of a golf bag, nobody cares about your stock portfolio. Princes lean on peasants and peasants kid princes. Boss and Joe were together for more than 10 years. If you spend that much time, you're more than player and caddie. You're a kind of grass-stained team.
It didn't matter that Joe dropped out of school in the 10th grade and Brad was educated at the best schools in the east. Didn't matter that Joe's mom gave him up to her sister when he was only three months old and that Brad inherited Cross from his grandfather. Didn't matter that Joe walked to the course (he didn't own a car) and Brad flew there sometimes in a private jet.
They were friends.
[+] EnlargeJoe Collins' aunt
Rick Reilly/ESPN.com
Joe Collins' aunt Faye Latson, 81, raised him from the age of three months.
Joe sent Brad a card every birthday, every Christmas and Father's Day, without fail. "They'd call each other plenty," says Faye Latson, the aunt who raised him. "Seemed like Joe was always calling Mr. Boss up."
Then Joe got lung cancer. You smoke for 40 years, that might happen. Joe moved back in with his aunt. "I had to take him in," she says. "He didn't have nobody else."
He had to quit going to the National. If the cancer wasn't going to kill Joe, that might. "He was so sad," Faye says. "That man loved that golf course and all those people."
When he died at 56 on June 27, 2009, Faye arranged for a simple funeral. She couldn't afford much of a plot, but she and her daughter, Shirley Quarles, came up with enough for one in a shaggy downtown cemetery.
"But then Mr. Boss called," said Faye. "And he was asking me, could he put Joe up on the hill above the golf course? He said he wanted Joe to have a nice view of it. Lord, I thought! Joe won't be able to see nothin', but OK."
It's a golf thing.
"We were just all overwhelmed," says James Quarles, Shirley's husband. "We couldn't really believe it. We told him no, he didn't have to, but Mr. Boss wouldn't have it any other way."
Boss flew down from New England for the visitation and spoke at the funeral. In fact, he was the first to get up. He told the crowd how much he admired Joe, how he wasn't just his caddie, he was like family. Maybe that explains the Father's Day cards.
Afterward, he asked Faye if he could put something in Joe's pocket. Faye said sure. It was a gold Cross pen with Joe's name on it and a Masters logo. Gift No. 2.
In New England, all this made friends of Boss shake their heads. "It just made me smile when I heard," says Brad Faxon. "I thought, 'Man, why aren't there more people who do this stuff?'"
[+] EnlargeJoe Collins' cousin
Rick Reilly/ESPN.com
Shirley Quarles takes a moment to visit her cousin Joe Collins' grave.
Saturday of Masters week, I went with Shirley and Faye on one of their visits to Joe's grave. It's a sweet little spot Brad gave Joe. The cemetery is nearly as full of flowers as the National. It's on a steep hill with a view of the 10th green at Augusta Country Club, which is the course that abuts Augusta National.
From Joe's grave, a well hit driver could land a ball on the National. Plus, it's literally only four blocks from Faye's little house on Mount Auburn Road.
As Faye stood there saying a little silent prayer, a huge roar went up from Amen Corner. Faye loosed a big smile. "My Joe loved that golf," she said. "It's nice he's here."
Brad Boss didn't have to do any of this. He paid Joe plenty in caddie's fees. And ever since he did it, he hasn't returned my calls to talk about it.
I know people don't want to believe this, but there are all kinds of guys walking around in green jackets at the Masters every year just like Boss. I know guys who've paid their caddie's insurance bills, picked up entire surgeries and handled the rent. They do it quietly and with a smile.
After all, caddies aren't the only ones who can see.
If you believe all Augusta National members are walking lumps of dandruff who eat boiled puppies for lunch, you're not going to like this story.
It happened a couple years ago.
Brad Boss, the multimillionaire chairman emeritus of the pen company A.T. Cross Co., is a member at the National and a decent player, possibly because he never went out on the course without his favorite caddie, Joe Collins.
Joe had the kind of eyes that could see clean into tomorrow. A caddie at Augusta from the time he was 16, he was known as the best reader of greens in the entire caddyshack.
They were buddies. Sounds crazy, but over the top of a golf bag, nobody cares about your stock portfolio.
He took a practically unknown player named Jim Jamieson to a tie for fifth place at the Masters in 1972. Even when Augusta National lifted its local-caddies-only rule in 1983, Joe still got bags. Colin Montgomerie used him in 1998 and finished tied for eighth. In 2000, Tommy Aaron, then 63, rode Joe to a record as the oldest player ever to make the cut. Still stands, too.
No wonder so many guys asked for Joe -- Michael Jordan took him three times -- but Brad always got him. They were buddies. Sounds crazy, but over the top of a golf bag, nobody cares about your stock portfolio. Princes lean on peasants and peasants kid princes. Boss and Joe were together for more than 10 years. If you spend that much time, you're more than player and caddie. You're a kind of grass-stained team.
It didn't matter that Joe dropped out of school in the 10th grade and Brad was educated at the best schools in the east. Didn't matter that Joe's mom gave him up to her sister when he was only three months old and that Brad inherited Cross from his grandfather. Didn't matter that Joe walked to the course (he didn't own a car) and Brad flew there sometimes in a private jet.
They were friends.
[+] EnlargeJoe Collins' aunt
Rick Reilly/ESPN.com
Joe Collins' aunt Faye Latson, 81, raised him from the age of three months.
Joe sent Brad a card every birthday, every Christmas and Father's Day, without fail. "They'd call each other plenty," says Faye Latson, the aunt who raised him. "Seemed like Joe was always calling Mr. Boss up."
Then Joe got lung cancer. You smoke for 40 years, that might happen. Joe moved back in with his aunt. "I had to take him in," she says. "He didn't have nobody else."
He had to quit going to the National. If the cancer wasn't going to kill Joe, that might. "He was so sad," Faye says. "That man loved that golf course and all those people."
When he died at 56 on June 27, 2009, Faye arranged for a simple funeral. She couldn't afford much of a plot, but she and her daughter, Shirley Quarles, came up with enough for one in a shaggy downtown cemetery.
"But then Mr. Boss called," said Faye. "And he was asking me, could he put Joe up on the hill above the golf course? He said he wanted Joe to have a nice view of it. Lord, I thought! Joe won't be able to see nothin', but OK."
It's a golf thing.
"We were just all overwhelmed," says James Quarles, Shirley's husband. "We couldn't really believe it. We told him no, he didn't have to, but Mr. Boss wouldn't have it any other way."
Boss flew down from New England for the visitation and spoke at the funeral. In fact, he was the first to get up. He told the crowd how much he admired Joe, how he wasn't just his caddie, he was like family. Maybe that explains the Father's Day cards.
Afterward, he asked Faye if he could put something in Joe's pocket. Faye said sure. It was a gold Cross pen with Joe's name on it and a Masters logo. Gift No. 2.
In New England, all this made friends of Boss shake their heads. "It just made me smile when I heard," says Brad Faxon. "I thought, 'Man, why aren't there more people who do this stuff?'"
[+] EnlargeJoe Collins' cousin
Rick Reilly/ESPN.com
Shirley Quarles takes a moment to visit her cousin Joe Collins' grave.
Saturday of Masters week, I went with Shirley and Faye on one of their visits to Joe's grave. It's a sweet little spot Brad gave Joe. The cemetery is nearly as full of flowers as the National. It's on a steep hill with a view of the 10th green at Augusta Country Club, which is the course that abuts Augusta National.
From Joe's grave, a well hit driver could land a ball on the National. Plus, it's literally only four blocks from Faye's little house on Mount Auburn Road.
As Faye stood there saying a little silent prayer, a huge roar went up from Amen Corner. Faye loosed a big smile. "My Joe loved that golf," she said. "It's nice he's here."
Brad Boss didn't have to do any of this. He paid Joe plenty in caddie's fees. And ever since he did it, he hasn't returned my calls to talk about it.
I know people don't want to believe this, but there are all kinds of guys walking around in green jackets at the Masters every year just like Boss. I know guys who've paid their caddie's insurance bills, picked up entire surgeries and handled the rent. They do it quietly and with a smile.
After all, caddies aren't the only ones who can see.
Tiger Woods, almost there
Tiger Woods charged from behind Sunday in the final round of the Masters but it wasn't enough. Is it safe to say the old Tiger is back?
AUGUSTA, Ga. -- Sure, it was a Masters Sunday when you needed a defibrillator next to the couch, but in the end, what did we wind up with?
We got a green jacket being hung on the bony shoulders of 140-pound Charl Schwartzel, and who knows if we'll ever see HIM again. He seems like a work in progress. Even his first name is unfinished.
This is the 10th different winner in the past 10 majors. It's like golf is running some kind of contest. Hey, you. You just won the Masters.
Tiger, please come back. The game misses you.
What kills you is he was right there. He had it. He did all the hard work and messed up the easy stuff. He shot his lowest Sunday round ever at the Masters, 67, and still didn't jacket. He crushed all the elephants and got stampeded by the squirrels.
He did all the hard work and messed up the easy stuff. ... He crushed all the elephants and got stampeded by the squirrels.
Sunday started with Tiger Woods 7 back. "What was the use?" you thought. He hadn't won any of his 14 majors from even 1 stroke back, much less 7. This was setting up as just another Sunday walk at a major straight back to the jet and home to that big empty house in Orlando.
It was going to be 17 months now since he'd won, the longest nuclear winter in his professional career. It was going to be 11 straight majors without winning one. Almost three years of majorless minorness.
But suddenly, things stopped making sense.
Suddenly, Woods was Arnie at Cherry Hills, 1960, charging from 7 back. He turned the front in a delicious 31 and young kids like Rory McIlroy were seeing him in the rearview mirror and driving into cabins.
He was splitting every fairway (six of the first six). He hit irons like you diagram them on the course map. (He hit eight of the first eight greens.) He made birdies at 2 and 3, a bogey at 4, but then a birdie at 7, that ear-splitting eagle at 8, and a par saved out of both straw and sand on 9.
For the first time since the 2007 Masters, Woods had a chunk of the lead.
Just then somebody hollered out "You're a legend, Tiger!" Trying, buddy. Trying.
He dropped a perfect (read: safe) shot onto the 12th, the Lindsay Lohan of golf holes -- short, drop-dead gorgeous and hellatrouble. And what does he do? Three-putts it. That's the easiest green to putt on the whole course!
He comes to the easy par-5 13th and doesn't birdie it for the first time in his past 10 tries. What are the odds? He strikes one of the most goosebump-perfect 6-irons in his life on 15 to within the length of a felled parking meter, and then blows it. It's like climbing Mount Everest and then falling while taking the picture.
He tapped in the miss for a birdie there and a share of the lead again and yet he looked like a guy whose cat just shot his dog. Had to be the most glum leader of the Masters in history.
He hits a Mozart shot at 16, and misses the putt. From there, he slumped home.
First thing he did is take his frustration out on CBS interviewer Bill Macatee.
Macatee: Do you feel like you played well enough to win?
TW: Right now, I'm 1 back. Let's see what happens.
Macatee: Do you feel like you're back in the thick of things now?
TW: I'm 1 back, let's see what happens.
You half expected the next exchange to be:
Macatee: Have you ever eaten a live turtle while skydiving?
Tw: I'm 1 back, let's see what happens.
"I should have easily shot 3 or 4 under on the back nine," he finally told a group of reporters afterward, bathed in sweat. "I was right there in the thick of it."
At this point in his comeback, he's doing everything great, except interviews and putting, which he seems to be doing with a fettucini noodle. Six 3-putts. One hundred twenty putts for the whole week. Sometimes, Steve Stricker will go TWO weeks without that many putts.
These were tiddlers he missed. The one at 15 he missed Saturday was no longer than a baby's arm. The one at 12 Sunday was just slightly longer than a roll of quarters.
If I didn't know better, I'd say all this TMZ and divorce and watching millions circle the drain is giving him a case of … (whisper this part) … the yips.
If not, then he really is close now. What the country will do when he wins -- which is going to be soon -- who knows? America will forgive anything if it comes with a big sparkly trophy.
The scoreboard will say that Tiger Woods is still trapped in the longest losing streak of his pro career. He's still handcuffed without a major since the summer of '08.
But at least on this one Sunday in Augusta, he seemed almost free.
AUGUSTA, Ga. -- Sure, it was a Masters Sunday when you needed a defibrillator next to the couch, but in the end, what did we wind up with?
We got a green jacket being hung on the bony shoulders of 140-pound Charl Schwartzel, and who knows if we'll ever see HIM again. He seems like a work in progress. Even his first name is unfinished.
This is the 10th different winner in the past 10 majors. It's like golf is running some kind of contest. Hey, you. You just won the Masters.
Tiger, please come back. The game misses you.
What kills you is he was right there. He had it. He did all the hard work and messed up the easy stuff. He shot his lowest Sunday round ever at the Masters, 67, and still didn't jacket. He crushed all the elephants and got stampeded by the squirrels.
He did all the hard work and messed up the easy stuff. ... He crushed all the elephants and got stampeded by the squirrels.
Sunday started with Tiger Woods 7 back. "What was the use?" you thought. He hadn't won any of his 14 majors from even 1 stroke back, much less 7. This was setting up as just another Sunday walk at a major straight back to the jet and home to that big empty house in Orlando.
It was going to be 17 months now since he'd won, the longest nuclear winter in his professional career. It was going to be 11 straight majors without winning one. Almost three years of majorless minorness.
But suddenly, things stopped making sense.
Suddenly, Woods was Arnie at Cherry Hills, 1960, charging from 7 back. He turned the front in a delicious 31 and young kids like Rory McIlroy were seeing him in the rearview mirror and driving into cabins.
He was splitting every fairway (six of the first six). He hit irons like you diagram them on the course map. (He hit eight of the first eight greens.) He made birdies at 2 and 3, a bogey at 4, but then a birdie at 7, that ear-splitting eagle at 8, and a par saved out of both straw and sand on 9.
For the first time since the 2007 Masters, Woods had a chunk of the lead.
Just then somebody hollered out "You're a legend, Tiger!" Trying, buddy. Trying.
He dropped a perfect (read: safe) shot onto the 12th, the Lindsay Lohan of golf holes -- short, drop-dead gorgeous and hellatrouble. And what does he do? Three-putts it. That's the easiest green to putt on the whole course!
He comes to the easy par-5 13th and doesn't birdie it for the first time in his past 10 tries. What are the odds? He strikes one of the most goosebump-perfect 6-irons in his life on 15 to within the length of a felled parking meter, and then blows it. It's like climbing Mount Everest and then falling while taking the picture.
He tapped in the miss for a birdie there and a share of the lead again and yet he looked like a guy whose cat just shot his dog. Had to be the most glum leader of the Masters in history.
He hits a Mozart shot at 16, and misses the putt. From there, he slumped home.
First thing he did is take his frustration out on CBS interviewer Bill Macatee.
Macatee: Do you feel like you played well enough to win?
TW: Right now, I'm 1 back. Let's see what happens.
Macatee: Do you feel like you're back in the thick of things now?
TW: I'm 1 back, let's see what happens.
You half expected the next exchange to be:
Macatee: Have you ever eaten a live turtle while skydiving?
Tw: I'm 1 back, let's see what happens.
"I should have easily shot 3 or 4 under on the back nine," he finally told a group of reporters afterward, bathed in sweat. "I was right there in the thick of it."
At this point in his comeback, he's doing everything great, except interviews and putting, which he seems to be doing with a fettucini noodle. Six 3-putts. One hundred twenty putts for the whole week. Sometimes, Steve Stricker will go TWO weeks without that many putts.
These were tiddlers he missed. The one at 15 he missed Saturday was no longer than a baby's arm. The one at 12 Sunday was just slightly longer than a roll of quarters.
If I didn't know better, I'd say all this TMZ and divorce and watching millions circle the drain is giving him a case of … (whisper this part) … the yips.
If not, then he really is close now. What the country will do when he wins -- which is going to be soon -- who knows? America will forgive anything if it comes with a big sparkly trophy.
The scoreboard will say that Tiger Woods is still trapped in the longest losing streak of his pro career. He's still handcuffed without a major since the summer of '08.
But at least on this one Sunday in Augusta, he seemed almost free.
Talking football with Archie, Peyton, Eli
Archie Manning, Eli Manning of the New York Giants and Peyton Manning of the Indianapolis Colts
AP Photo/Ed Bailey
It's no good talking about the NFL draft unless you've talked to the first family of the NFL draft -- the Mannings of New Orleans. Dad Archie went second overall (1971) and the two sons (Peyton and Eli) went first overall (1998 and 2004). That's a bigger draft family than the Busches of St. Louis.
I corralled all three of them in one room in Vail, Colo., not long ago. It was a chance for the two brothers to give each other mountainous piles of crap while poor Archie, as usual, officiated.
They talked about growing up Manning, Super Bowl wins, the one rule the NFL needs to change, wedgies, how to cheat on concussion tests and, of course, their infamous ESPN commercial:
Q: You guys were both overall No. 1s. Are you embarrassed to be sitting here with a guy who only went second?
Peyton: Yeah, a little. Plus, Mom went fourth one year in the CFL draft.
Eli: When I was at Ole Miss, I called my dad up one time and said, "Hey, Dad, have you ever looked at your stats here? They're not very good."
Q: They must've been pretty good. They changed all the speed limits on campus to 18 to honor him.
Archie: Yeah, but after Eli made that play to beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl [in 2008], I got about 30 texts from people saying, "They're going to change the speed limit to 10 [Eli's jersey number] now."
Q: Peyton, what do you remember about the Colts taking you?
Peyton: I remember talking to Mr. Irsay [Colts owner Jim] at the combine, and saying, "Tell me what you're going to do." And he said they'd tell me in March. They were making it so dramatic, not making up their mind [between he and QB Ryan Leaf of Washington State]. And finally I was in his office one day and I said, "I would like to play for you but if you don't pick me, I will kick your ass for the next 15 years."
[Archie slaps his forehead]
Peyton: That whole first-round draft choice thing isn't very long lasting. That's what I tell these guys -- just get drafted and then be great.
Q: Who's the best athlete of the three?
Archie: Me. [laughing] I could outrun some guys in my day.
Eli: Me ... I don't know. We're always trying to prove that. I remember one time, I was 17 and Peyton was 23 maybe. He was in college. He was home and we were playing one-on-one [hoops]. And it was just basically tackle basketball. Nobody got an open layup. And whoever lost didn't talk the rest of the day. So he had to go back to college and we promised to have a rematch. So the next time he came home, we went out there for the rematch and the goal was gone. Just gone. Dad took it off the wall. Mom made him.
Q: Who's fastest?
[Archie and Eli laugh knowingly.]
Eli: Peyton has never been timed in the 40.
Peyton: Well, I always had a little hammy problem when it came time to run the 40 times. But my 40 time is not going to make or break it.
Eli: It may break it.
Karl [Eli] gave me a killer wedgie once. Got me up against a wall on a golf trip. He had all the leverage. But it wasn't an atomic wedgie.
-- Colts quarterback Peyton Manning
Q: Peyton is five years older. Did Eli ever get to kick his ass?
Peyton: Absolutely not. But he gave me a killer wedgie once. Got me up against a wall on a golf trip. He had all the leverage. But it wasn't an atomic wedgie.
Q: What about in that ESPN commercial you're all in? [Peyton and Eli roughhouse at the back of a tour of ESPN, much to Archie's disapproval.] Looked like the two of them beat each other up pretty good in that.
Archie: The director says to me, "OK, what would you do if your boys were screwing around like that?" And the boys both said, "We'd get The Look!" So he called action and I got it in one take! People come up to me all the time now and go, ''That's the exact same look my dad used to give me!"
Peyton: It was so not fair. People go, "You got to kick Eli and it looked like it hurt him." But I only got one take. I had to get 10 wet willies from Eli. And an ear infection.
Eli: I just didn't feel like I was getting it right. Not quite getting in there deep enough. So I asked for a few retakes.
Peyton: A few?
Eli: He got about five punches on my shoulder. I said, "Hey Peyton, don't punch me so hard in the shoulder. That's my throwing shoulder." And of course, the next take he just hauls back and really slugs me. After that it was serious. We just started going at it. Pictures were being knocked down along those walls. The director had to cut.
Q: Sounds like that "Saturday Night Live" you did [in 2007], Peyton, when you were strafing little kids with footballs [as part of a United Way spoof].
Peyton: We got out there and I told the director, "I don't know if I can throw the ball at those kids." It was just a Nerf ball that they'd scraped the "Nerf" word off it, but still. And he talked me into doing it. I felt better when I heard a parent of one of the actor kids saying to the director, "Hey, how come he's not throwing the ball at MY kid's face? I want him to throw the ball at my kids' face!"
Q: Eli, you can relate, right?
Archie: Oh, yeah he can. When Eli was 12 and Peyton was 17, Peyton needed somebody to throw to. Cooper had gone off to college [where he was a standout receiver at Ole Miss until a degenerative spine problem ended his career] and Peyton needed to work on his throws. It was kind of comical.
Peyton: It was so sad. I'd be throwing to a person who can't catch.
Eli: I was 12! They'd stuff me in a large T-shirt filled with padding, then stuff a bunch of pillows in there, too. And Peyton's arm had gotten too strong for the backyard, so we had to go out in the street. Our house is in an area of New Orleans where tours go by. And I'd be out there getting slammed by these rocket throws. And people would drive by and think, "What is wrong with this kid who keeps getting hit with balls on purpose?"
Q: Eli was real quiet, right?
Peyton: OK, driving him to school. His school was right on a direct line with my school, so I had to drive him. But I'd have a lot on my mind, right? I'm in high school. I've got a game that night. Test. Whatever. So about 10 times during the year, I'd pull into the school parking lot and realize Eli was still in the backseat. Just sitting there! And I'm like, "Eli, you let me drive right by your school! Why didn't you say anything?"
Eli: Well, I was in fifth grade. I had a lot on my mind, too. Girl troubles.
Peyton: Sheesh.
Eli: And the worst part was, you wouldn't even drive me back. One time, you called a cab!
Peyton: I'd call Mom.
Archie: Eli's gotten everybody back. He's a prankster. He can turn cell phones into any other language in about seven seconds. He'll do it to complete strangers too. Chinese, Japanese.
Peyton: Yeah, he'll borrow some perfect stranger's phone. "Hey, can I borrow your phone?" And he'll change it to German. All the settings are gone. Everything.
Archie: And if you're on a golf trip with him, don't go to bed first. You will wake up with Sharpie marks all over you.
Peyton: Oh, yeah, he'll write across your forehead, color in your ears.
Eli: The best is to draw on the back of their calves, because they won't know it until they're on the golf course. They're wearing shorts and people are going, "What's that?" And it's always some kind of inappropriate drawing.
Q: And yet you'll help him during the season with info on other teams, right?
Peyton: Yeah, except if we're playing each other. But we'll share tidbits about who the other one is playing. Especially if they're playing somebody in the AFC South [Indianapolis' division]. I'll give him all he wants.
Eli: Yeah, like we played Jacksonville and he gave me a few things and we beat them. But then they played the [Philadelphia] Eagles and they lose!
[+] EnlargeEli Manning
Tom Berg/Getty Images
Eli Manning and family at the '04 draft, where he was taken No. 1 by San Diego, then traded to the Giants.
Q: And yet Peyton said one of the proudest moments of his life was watching your Super Bowl.
Peyton: Yeah, Eli's big play in the Super Bowl. I watch it and I'm like, "How did he get that pass off?"
Eli: I remember after that catch, they went to replay. And I said to David [Tyree, the receiver], "Did you catch the ball?" And he goes, "Yes, yes I did." And I said, "Don't lie to me. You're a Christian man, don't lie to me." Because I need to know what the situation is going to be as soon as possible. Are we going to have a third down? Are we going to have a first down? What? Because I've asked receivers, "Did you catch it?" And they'll say, "Yes, absolutely I caught it." And then I'll look up at the replay on the scoreboard and the thing bounces three times before it even gets to him.
Peyton: But you have to watch that [Tyree] play closely, because when he thought there was no way to get out of it, he was about to shovel it to his left guard!
Eli: Well, you get desperate. You're looking for any white jersey. But when I saw the replay, I'm like, "Why is [guard Chris] Snee blocking no one five yards ahead of me?"
Peyton [sarcastically]: You should've passed it to him. Ya'll still would have won.
Q: Archie, do you remember much about Peyton's Super Bowl win [in 2007 against the Chicago Bears]?
Archie: I just remember how hard it was raining. The replay doesn't do justice to rain. I thought Prince would get electrocuted.
Q: The game is so fast and violent. As a dad, do you worry about them?
Archie: When I played, the collisions weren't as bad because the guys weren't in such great shape [like they are] now. Now, they're bigger and stronger than ever. I have two grandsons [He now has three with Peyton's twins arriving March 31]. And I ask myself sometimes: Do I really want them to play?
Q: What did you think last season in the game with the Jets, when blood was just gushing from Eli's head?
Peyton: That was overacting.
Eli: Those 12 stitches weren't overacting.
Q: What do defensive ends say to you after they sack you?
Eli: Sometimes they say, "Hey, I'm gonna see you here again in a few minutes."
Peyton: [Baltimore Raven linebacker] Ray Lewis is such a nice guy, but he has this habit of using your body to help himself up after a sack. You know, he really leans into you in order to get up. ...
Eli: Late hits bug me.
Peyton: Yeah, guys get called for late hits and they get fined --
Eli: Fifteen hundred dollars! These guys have millions! Fifteen hundred dollars? That's nothing!
Peyton: And they can write it off on their taxes! It's like, "I'm so glad that you can write off my broken rib, buddy."
Q: How do you feel about all the new research about concussions that's coming out?
Peyton: They have these new [brain] tests we have to take. Before the season, you have to look at 20 pictures and turn the paper over and then try to draw those 20 pictures. And they do it with words, too. Twenty words, you flip it over, and try to write those 20 words. Then, after a concussion, you take the same test and if you do worse than you did on the first test, you can't play. So I just try to do badly on the first test.
[Archie slaps his forehead again.]
Q: Are we going to have a season this year?
Peyton: I hope so. All I want to do is play football, and I'm running out of time. I can't afford to miss a year. [He's 35.] Eli could make it up, but not me.
Q: So what are you doing during the lockout?
Eli: Peyton and I went in before the lockout started and got everything we need. We're training every day.
Q: Archie, let's finish with you. You had this terrific college and pro career. And then you have three star sons, two of whom grow up to be Super Bowl MVPs. Does it ever just stop you in your tracks?
Archie: You know, I said to [Olivia] one night -- I was in bed, reading something about the boys in a magazine -- and I said, "Honey, we've been married 35 years now. Did you ever, in your wildest dreams, think you and I would have children that would do these amazing things?"
And she said, "Archie, very seldom are you in my wildest dreams."
AP Photo/Ed Bailey
It's no good talking about the NFL draft unless you've talked to the first family of the NFL draft -- the Mannings of New Orleans. Dad Archie went second overall (1971) and the two sons (Peyton and Eli) went first overall (1998 and 2004). That's a bigger draft family than the Busches of St. Louis.
I corralled all three of them in one room in Vail, Colo., not long ago. It was a chance for the two brothers to give each other mountainous piles of crap while poor Archie, as usual, officiated.
They talked about growing up Manning, Super Bowl wins, the one rule the NFL needs to change, wedgies, how to cheat on concussion tests and, of course, their infamous ESPN commercial:
Q: You guys were both overall No. 1s. Are you embarrassed to be sitting here with a guy who only went second?
Peyton: Yeah, a little. Plus, Mom went fourth one year in the CFL draft.
Eli: When I was at Ole Miss, I called my dad up one time and said, "Hey, Dad, have you ever looked at your stats here? They're not very good."
Q: They must've been pretty good. They changed all the speed limits on campus to 18 to honor him.
Archie: Yeah, but after Eli made that play to beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl [in 2008], I got about 30 texts from people saying, "They're going to change the speed limit to 10 [Eli's jersey number] now."
Q: Peyton, what do you remember about the Colts taking you?
Peyton: I remember talking to Mr. Irsay [Colts owner Jim] at the combine, and saying, "Tell me what you're going to do." And he said they'd tell me in March. They were making it so dramatic, not making up their mind [between he and QB Ryan Leaf of Washington State]. And finally I was in his office one day and I said, "I would like to play for you but if you don't pick me, I will kick your ass for the next 15 years."
[Archie slaps his forehead]
Peyton: That whole first-round draft choice thing isn't very long lasting. That's what I tell these guys -- just get drafted and then be great.
Q: Who's the best athlete of the three?
Archie: Me. [laughing] I could outrun some guys in my day.
Eli: Me ... I don't know. We're always trying to prove that. I remember one time, I was 17 and Peyton was 23 maybe. He was in college. He was home and we were playing one-on-one [hoops]. And it was just basically tackle basketball. Nobody got an open layup. And whoever lost didn't talk the rest of the day. So he had to go back to college and we promised to have a rematch. So the next time he came home, we went out there for the rematch and the goal was gone. Just gone. Dad took it off the wall. Mom made him.
Q: Who's fastest?
[Archie and Eli laugh knowingly.]
Eli: Peyton has never been timed in the 40.
Peyton: Well, I always had a little hammy problem when it came time to run the 40 times. But my 40 time is not going to make or break it.
Eli: It may break it.
Karl [Eli] gave me a killer wedgie once. Got me up against a wall on a golf trip. He had all the leverage. But it wasn't an atomic wedgie.
-- Colts quarterback Peyton Manning
Q: Peyton is five years older. Did Eli ever get to kick his ass?
Peyton: Absolutely not. But he gave me a killer wedgie once. Got me up against a wall on a golf trip. He had all the leverage. But it wasn't an atomic wedgie.
Q: What about in that ESPN commercial you're all in? [Peyton and Eli roughhouse at the back of a tour of ESPN, much to Archie's disapproval.] Looked like the two of them beat each other up pretty good in that.
Archie: The director says to me, "OK, what would you do if your boys were screwing around like that?" And the boys both said, "We'd get The Look!" So he called action and I got it in one take! People come up to me all the time now and go, ''That's the exact same look my dad used to give me!"
Peyton: It was so not fair. People go, "You got to kick Eli and it looked like it hurt him." But I only got one take. I had to get 10 wet willies from Eli. And an ear infection.
Eli: I just didn't feel like I was getting it right. Not quite getting in there deep enough. So I asked for a few retakes.
Peyton: A few?
Eli: He got about five punches on my shoulder. I said, "Hey Peyton, don't punch me so hard in the shoulder. That's my throwing shoulder." And of course, the next take he just hauls back and really slugs me. After that it was serious. We just started going at it. Pictures were being knocked down along those walls. The director had to cut.
Q: Sounds like that "Saturday Night Live" you did [in 2007], Peyton, when you were strafing little kids with footballs [as part of a United Way spoof].
Peyton: We got out there and I told the director, "I don't know if I can throw the ball at those kids." It was just a Nerf ball that they'd scraped the "Nerf" word off it, but still. And he talked me into doing it. I felt better when I heard a parent of one of the actor kids saying to the director, "Hey, how come he's not throwing the ball at MY kid's face? I want him to throw the ball at my kids' face!"
Q: Eli, you can relate, right?
Archie: Oh, yeah he can. When Eli was 12 and Peyton was 17, Peyton needed somebody to throw to. Cooper had gone off to college [where he was a standout receiver at Ole Miss until a degenerative spine problem ended his career] and Peyton needed to work on his throws. It was kind of comical.
Peyton: It was so sad. I'd be throwing to a person who can't catch.
Eli: I was 12! They'd stuff me in a large T-shirt filled with padding, then stuff a bunch of pillows in there, too. And Peyton's arm had gotten too strong for the backyard, so we had to go out in the street. Our house is in an area of New Orleans where tours go by. And I'd be out there getting slammed by these rocket throws. And people would drive by and think, "What is wrong with this kid who keeps getting hit with balls on purpose?"
Q: Eli was real quiet, right?
Peyton: OK, driving him to school. His school was right on a direct line with my school, so I had to drive him. But I'd have a lot on my mind, right? I'm in high school. I've got a game that night. Test. Whatever. So about 10 times during the year, I'd pull into the school parking lot and realize Eli was still in the backseat. Just sitting there! And I'm like, "Eli, you let me drive right by your school! Why didn't you say anything?"
Eli: Well, I was in fifth grade. I had a lot on my mind, too. Girl troubles.
Peyton: Sheesh.
Eli: And the worst part was, you wouldn't even drive me back. One time, you called a cab!
Peyton: I'd call Mom.
Archie: Eli's gotten everybody back. He's a prankster. He can turn cell phones into any other language in about seven seconds. He'll do it to complete strangers too. Chinese, Japanese.
Peyton: Yeah, he'll borrow some perfect stranger's phone. "Hey, can I borrow your phone?" And he'll change it to German. All the settings are gone. Everything.
Archie: And if you're on a golf trip with him, don't go to bed first. You will wake up with Sharpie marks all over you.
Peyton: Oh, yeah, he'll write across your forehead, color in your ears.
Eli: The best is to draw on the back of their calves, because they won't know it until they're on the golf course. They're wearing shorts and people are going, "What's that?" And it's always some kind of inappropriate drawing.
Q: And yet you'll help him during the season with info on other teams, right?
Peyton: Yeah, except if we're playing each other. But we'll share tidbits about who the other one is playing. Especially if they're playing somebody in the AFC South [Indianapolis' division]. I'll give him all he wants.
Eli: Yeah, like we played Jacksonville and he gave me a few things and we beat them. But then they played the [Philadelphia] Eagles and they lose!
[+] EnlargeEli Manning
Tom Berg/Getty Images
Eli Manning and family at the '04 draft, where he was taken No. 1 by San Diego, then traded to the Giants.
Q: And yet Peyton said one of the proudest moments of his life was watching your Super Bowl.
Peyton: Yeah, Eli's big play in the Super Bowl. I watch it and I'm like, "How did he get that pass off?"
Eli: I remember after that catch, they went to replay. And I said to David [Tyree, the receiver], "Did you catch the ball?" And he goes, "Yes, yes I did." And I said, "Don't lie to me. You're a Christian man, don't lie to me." Because I need to know what the situation is going to be as soon as possible. Are we going to have a third down? Are we going to have a first down? What? Because I've asked receivers, "Did you catch it?" And they'll say, "Yes, absolutely I caught it." And then I'll look up at the replay on the scoreboard and the thing bounces three times before it even gets to him.
Peyton: But you have to watch that [Tyree] play closely, because when he thought there was no way to get out of it, he was about to shovel it to his left guard!
Eli: Well, you get desperate. You're looking for any white jersey. But when I saw the replay, I'm like, "Why is [guard Chris] Snee blocking no one five yards ahead of me?"
Peyton [sarcastically]: You should've passed it to him. Ya'll still would have won.
Q: Archie, do you remember much about Peyton's Super Bowl win [in 2007 against the Chicago Bears]?
Archie: I just remember how hard it was raining. The replay doesn't do justice to rain. I thought Prince would get electrocuted.
Q: The game is so fast and violent. As a dad, do you worry about them?
Archie: When I played, the collisions weren't as bad because the guys weren't in such great shape [like they are] now. Now, they're bigger and stronger than ever. I have two grandsons [He now has three with Peyton's twins arriving March 31]. And I ask myself sometimes: Do I really want them to play?
Q: What did you think last season in the game with the Jets, when blood was just gushing from Eli's head?
Peyton: That was overacting.
Eli: Those 12 stitches weren't overacting.
Q: What do defensive ends say to you after they sack you?
Eli: Sometimes they say, "Hey, I'm gonna see you here again in a few minutes."
Peyton: [Baltimore Raven linebacker] Ray Lewis is such a nice guy, but he has this habit of using your body to help himself up after a sack. You know, he really leans into you in order to get up. ...
Eli: Late hits bug me.
Peyton: Yeah, guys get called for late hits and they get fined --
Eli: Fifteen hundred dollars! These guys have millions! Fifteen hundred dollars? That's nothing!
Peyton: And they can write it off on their taxes! It's like, "I'm so glad that you can write off my broken rib, buddy."
Q: How do you feel about all the new research about concussions that's coming out?
Peyton: They have these new [brain] tests we have to take. Before the season, you have to look at 20 pictures and turn the paper over and then try to draw those 20 pictures. And they do it with words, too. Twenty words, you flip it over, and try to write those 20 words. Then, after a concussion, you take the same test and if you do worse than you did on the first test, you can't play. So I just try to do badly on the first test.
[Archie slaps his forehead again.]
Q: Are we going to have a season this year?
Peyton: I hope so. All I want to do is play football, and I'm running out of time. I can't afford to miss a year. [He's 35.] Eli could make it up, but not me.
Q: So what are you doing during the lockout?
Eli: Peyton and I went in before the lockout started and got everything we need. We're training every day.
Q: Archie, let's finish with you. You had this terrific college and pro career. And then you have three star sons, two of whom grow up to be Super Bowl MVPs. Does it ever just stop you in your tracks?
Archie: You know, I said to [Olivia] one night -- I was in bed, reading something about the boys in a magazine -- and I said, "Honey, we've been married 35 years now. Did you ever, in your wildest dreams, think you and I would have children that would do these amazing things?"
And she said, "Archie, very seldom are you in my wildest dreams."
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